What are successive ionisation enthalpies? Explain why the second ionisation enthalpy is higher than the first ionisation enthalpy?
How does ionisation enthalpy vary along a group?
As we move down a group. the ionisation enthalpy goes on decreasing.
Reason. As we move down the group.
(i) nuclear charge regularly increases.
(ii) The size of the atom regularly increases due to the addition of a new shell every time and
(iii) shielding effect also go on increasing due to the increase in the number of electrons in the inner shells.
The effect of the increase in atomic size and shielding effect is much more than the effect of the increase in nuclear charge. As a result, an electron becomes less and less firmly held to the nucleus as we move down the group. Hence there is the gradual decrease in the value of ionisation enthalpy on moving from top to bottom in a group.
What are the various factors due to which the ionization enthalpy of the main group elements tends to decrease down a group?
Why does the first ionsiation enthalpy increase as we go from left to right through a period of the periodic table?
How does ionisation enthalpy vary along a period?
Why ionsiation enthalpy of N is more than that of O even though oxygen has higher nuclear charge than nitrogen?