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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


Express the relation among cell constant, the resistance of the solution in the cell and conductivity of the solution. How is molar conductivity of a solution related to its conductivity?



The molar conductivity of a 1.5 M solution of an electrolyte is found to be 138.9S cm2mol-1. Calculate the conductivity of the conductivity of this solution.



The electrical resistance of a column of 0.05 M NaOH solution of diameter 1cm and length 50

cm is 5.55 x 103 ohm. Calculate its resistivity, conductivity and molar conductivity.



From the given cells:
Lead storage cell, Mercury cell, Fuel cell and Dry cell Ans the following:
(i) Which cell is used in hearing aids?
(ii) Which cell was used in Apollo Space Programme?
(iii)Which cell is used in automobiles and inverters?
(iv)Which cell does not have long life?




Calculate e.m.f of the following cell at 298 K:

2 Cr space left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis space plus 3 Fe to the power of 2 plus end exponent space left parenthesis 0.1 space straight M right parenthesis space rightwards arrow space 2 Cr to the power of 3 plus end exponent space left parenthesis 0.01 space straight M right parenthesis space plus 3 Fe left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis space

Given colon space straight E to the power of 0 space left parenthesis Cr to the power of 3 plus end exponent vertical line Cr right parenthesis space equals space minus 0.70 space straight V
space space space space space space space space space space space straight E to the power of 0 space left parenthesis Fe to the power of 2 plus end exponent vertical line Fe right parenthesis space equals negative 0.44 space straight V



 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type

326. straight a right parenthesis space space Calculate space straight E subscript cell superscript 0 space for space the space following space reaction space at space 298 space straight K colon
2 Al left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis space plus 3 Cu to the power of 2 plus end exponent left parenthesis 0.01 space straight M right parenthesis space rightwards arrow 2 Al to the power of 3 plus end exponent space left parenthesis 0.01 straight M right parenthesis space plus 3 Cu left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis
Given space colon space straight E subscript cell space equals space 1.98 space straight V
straight b right parenthesis space using space the space straight E to the power of 0 space values space of space straight A space and space straight B space predict space which space is space better space for space coating space the space surface space of space iron space left square bracket straight E to the power of 0 left parenthesis Fe to the power of 2 plus end exponent divided by Fe right parenthesis
equals negative 0.44 straight V right square bracket space to space prevent space corrosion space and space why ?
Given space colon space straight E to the power of 0 left parenthesis straight A to the power of 2 plus end exponent divided by straight A right parenthesis space equals space minus 2.37 space colon space straight E to the power of 0 left parenthesis straight B to the power of 2 plus end exponent divided by straight B right parenthesis space equals negative 0.14 space straight V

straight a right parenthesis space The space conductivity space of space 0.001 space mol space straight L to the power of negative 1 end exponent space solution space of space CH subscript 3 COOH space space is space 3.905 space straight x space 10 to the power of negative 5 end exponent space straight S space cm to the power of negative 1 end exponent. space
Calculate space its space molar space conductivty space and space degree space of space dissociation space left parenthesis straight alpha right parenthesis

Given space straight lambda to the power of 0 space left parenthesis straight H to the power of plus right parenthesis space equals 349.6 space straight S space Cm squared space mol to the power of negative 1 end exponent space and space straight lambda to the power of 0 space left parenthesis CH subscript 3 COO to the power of minus right parenthesis space equals space 40.9 space straight S space cm squared space mol to the power of negative 1 end exponent

straight b right parenthesis space Define space electrochemical space cell space what space happen space if space external space potential space applied space
becomes space greater space than space straight E subscript cell superscript 0 space of space electrochemical space cell.


(a) What type of a battery is lead storage battery? Write the anode and cathode reactions and the overall cell reaction occurring in the operation of a lead storage battery.

(b) Calculate the potential for half-cell containing 0.10 M K2Cr2O7 (aq), 0.20 M Cr3+(aq) and 1.0 x 10-4 M H+ (aq)

The half-cell reaction is Cr subscript 2 straight O subscript 7 superscript 2 minus end superscript left parenthesis aq right parenthesis straight space plus straight space 14 straight space straight H to the power of plus subscript left parenthesis aq right parenthesis end subscript straight space plus straight space 6 straight e to the power of minus straight space rightwards arrow straight space 2 Cr subscript left parenthesis aq right parenthesis end subscript superscript 3 plus end superscript straight space plus straight space 7 straight H subscript 2 straight O subscript left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis end subscript

And the standard electrode potential is given as E0 = 1.33 V.


(a) How many moles of mercury will be produced by electrolysing 1.0 M?

Hg (NO3)2 solution with a current of 2.00 A for 3 hours?

[Hg (NO3)2 = 200.6 g mol-1]

(b) A voltaic cell is set up at 25°C with the following half-cells Al3+ (0.001 M) and Ni2+ (0.50 M). Write an equation for the reaction that occurs when the cell generates an electric current and determine the cell potential.

 Error converting from MathML to accessible text.


 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


State Kohlrausch's law of independent migration of ions. Why does the conductivity of a solution decrease with dilution?



(a) Calculate increment subscript straight r straight G for the reaction
Mg (s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + Cu (s)
Given : E°cell = + 2.71 V, 1 F = 96500 C mol−1
(b) Name the type of cell which was used in Apollo space programme for providing electrical power.



Calculate the degree of dissociation (a) of acetic acid if its molar conductivity (Λm) is 39.05 S cm2mol–1. Given λo(H+) = 349.6 S cm2 mol–1 and λo(CH3COO) = 40.9 S cm2 mol–1

