Tropospheric (air pollution) pollution refers to that part of atmosphere which is nearest to the earth's surface extending to a height of about 80 km. It includes:
(i) Gases such as oxides of sulphur, CO, oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons.
(ii) Particulate matter such as dust, smoke, fumes etc.
(iii) Radioactive materials and many others.
It should be noted that these substances are naturally present in the atmosphere in low concentration, but they become pollutants when their concentration is relatively high.
Most of these pollutants can cause damage to human health and some pollutants (such as SO2) can produce a corrosive effect on building materials.
Discuss pollution caused by CO.
What are different sources of CO pollution? What are the effects of continuous exposure to CO on human beings?
Explain giving reasons: There presence of CO reduces the amount of haemoglobin available in the blood for carrying oxygen to the body cells.
Discuss sources and sinks of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Discuss the role of CO2 as a pollutant.
Carbon dioxide is inert and harmless gas, yet it is considered to be a serious pollutant. Explain.
Discuss air pollution caused by oxides of nitrogen.
What are the principal environmental effects of NO2?
Name the oxide of nitrogen present in the atmosphere. What are the sources and sinks of NOx?
How does SO2 cause pollution?
What are the principal environmental effects of SO2?
Describe sources, sinks and polluting effects of SO2.