What is the equilibrium concentration of each of the substances

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


The ionisation constant of acetic acid is 1.74 x10-5. calculate the degree of dissociation of acetic acid in its 0.05M solution. calculate the concentration of acetate ion in the solution and its pH.


 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


One mole of straight H subscript 2 straight O and one mole of CO are taken in a 10-litre vessel and heated to 725K. At equilibrium, 40% of water (by mass) reacts with carbon monoxide according to the equation

straight H subscript 2 straight O left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space plus space CO left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space space space space straight H subscript 2 left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space plus space CO subscript 2 left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis.

Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction. 


 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type

123. Reaction between N2 and O2 takes place as follows:
               2 straight N subscript 2 left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space plus space straight O subscript 2 left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space space space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space space space 2 straight N subscript 2 straight O left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis
If a mixture of 0.482 mol of N2 and 0.933 mol of O2 is placed in a 10 L reaction vessel and allowed to form N2O at a temperature for which Kc = 2·0 × 10–37, determine the composition of equilibrium mixture.

 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


Nitric oxide reacts with Br2 and gives nitrosyl bromide as per reaction given below:
                                2 NO left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space plus space Br subscript 2 left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space space space 2 NOBr left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis
When 0.087 mol of NO and 0.0437 mol of Br2 are mixed in a closed container at constant temperature, 0.0518 mol of NOBr is obtained at equilibrium. Calculate equilibrium amount of NO and Br2.



 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


At 700K, equilibrium constant for the reaction:
   straight H subscript 2 left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space plus space straight I subscript 2 left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space 2 HI left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis 
is 54.8. If 0.5 mole/litre of HI(g) is present at equilibrium at 700K, what are the concentration of H2(g) and I2(g) assuming that we initially started with HI(g) and allowed it to reach equilibrium at 700 K?



Ethyl acetate, is formed by the reaction of ethanol and acetic acid and equilibrium is represented as
CH subscript 3 COOH left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis space plus space straight C subscript 2 straight H subscript 5 OH left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis space space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space space space CH subscript 3 COO subscript 2 straight H subscript 5 left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis space plus space straight H subscript 2 straight O left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis
(i) Write the concentration ratio (reaction quotient), Qc, for this reaction (note:water is not in excess and is not a solvent in this reaction).
(ii) At 293K, if one starts with 1·00 mol of acetic acid and 0·18 mol of ethanol, there is 0·171 mol of ethyl acetate in the final equilibrium mixture. Calculate the equilibrium constant.
(iii) Starting with 0·5 mole of ethanol and 1·0 mole of acetic acid and maintaining it at 293K, 0·214 mole of ethyl acetate is formed after sometime. Has equilibrium been reached ?


 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type

127. The ester, ethyl acetate is formed by the reaction of ethanol and acetic acid and equilibrium is represented as

CH subscript 3 COOH left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis space plus space straight C subscript 2 straight H subscript 5 OH left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis space space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space space space CH subscript 3 COOC subscript 2 straight H subscript 5 left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis space plus space straight H subscript 2 straight O left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis

We do not use dilute aqueous solution for this reaction. Why?


128. The ester, ethyl acetate, is formed by the reaction of ethanal and acetic acid and equilibrium is represented as

CH subscript 3 COOH left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis space plus space straight C subscript 2 straight H subscript 5 OH left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space space space CH subscript 3 COOC subscript 2 straight H subscript 5 left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis space plus space straight H subscript 2 straight O left parenthesis straight l right parenthesis

(i) Why some concentrated sulphuric acid is usually added to the reaction mixture in a laboratory preparation of ethyl acetate?

(ii) Since the heat of reaction is nearly zero for this reaction, how will the equilibrium constant depend on upon the temperature?


129. 1 mole of acetic acid and 1 mole of ethyl alcohol were mixed at 298K. At equilibrium, 0 - 33 mole of acetic acid was found unreacted. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction
            CH subscript 3 COOH plus straight C subscript 2 straight H subscript 5 OH space space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space space space CH subscript 3 COOC subscript 2 straight H subscript 5 space plus space straight H subscript 2 straight O
Initial  conc.   
1 mole      1 mole            1 mole       0 mole

Equilibrium conc.
0.333      0.333               0 mole        0 mole


 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


130. What is the equilibrium concentration of each of the substances in the equilibrium when the initial concentration of ICl was 0·78 M?
2 ICl left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space space straight I subscript 2 left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis space plus space Cl subscript 2 left parenthesis straight g right parenthesis semicolon space space space straight K subscript straight c space equals 0.14

Let at equilibrium,
Initial conc.            0.78 M       0            0

At eqm.                 0.78 - 2x    x            x

Applying the law of chemical equilibrium


Putting the values in expression (1), we have


Hence, at equilibrium                  


