Discuss the salt hydrolysis in the following cases:
(i) Salts of strong acid and strong base
(ii) Salts of strong acid and weak base
(iii) Salts of weak acid and strong base
(iv) Salts of weak acid and weak base.
Derive the relation, in the case of hydrolysis of salts of strong acids and weak acids.
Show that for an aqueous solution of a salt of weak base and strong acid where
is the degree of hydrolysis.
Let the salt of strong acid and weak base be XY and hydrolysis reaction be represented as:
Let c be the initial concentration of the salt and α be the degree of hydrolysis. At equilibrium, the concentration of various species is represented as:
X+ + H2O XOH + H+
Initial conc.
c c 0 0
Equilibrium conc.
Since is very small as compared to unity,