Microcosmic salt is from Chemistry Equilibrium

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Two moles of PCl5 were heated in a closed vessel of 2 L. At equilibrium 40% of PCl5 is  dissociated into PCl3 and Cl2.The,value of equilibrium constant is :

  • 0.53

  • 0.267

  • 2.63

  • 5.3


What is the equilibrium expression for the reaction

P4 (s) + 5O2 (g)  P4O10 (s) ?

  • KcP4O10[P4][O2]5

  • KcP4O105[P4][O2]

  • Kc = [O2]5

  • Kc1[O2]5


The pH value of 1/1000 N-KOH solution is :

  • 3

  • 10-11

  • 2

  • 11


The temperature dependence of rate constant (k) of a chemical reaction is written in terms of Arrhenius equation, k = Ae-E*/ RT. Activation energy (E*) of the reaction can be calculated by plating

  • log k vs 1T

  • log k vs 1log T

  • k vs T

  • k vs 1log T


The heats of combustion of carbon monoxide at constant pressure and at constant volume at 27°C will differ from one another by :

  • 27 cal

  • 54 cal

  • 300 cal

  • 600 cal



Microcosmic salt is

  • Na4P2O7

  • Na(NH4)HPO4

  • Na(NH3)HPO4H2O

  • MgNH4PO4



Microcosmic salt is Na(NH4)HPO4. It is white crystalline solid. It is separated by fractional crystallisation.

It is obtained when NH4Cl and Na2HPO4 are dissolved in hot water and cooled.

NH4Cl + Na2HPO4 → Na(NH4)HPO4 + NaCl

It is used for the detection of certain, basic radicals which forms coloured mixed phosphate with NaPO3.

Na(NH4)HPO4  NaPO3 + NH3 + H2O

NaPO3 + CoO → NaCo.PO4


A buffer solution is prepared by mixing 0.1 M ammonia and 1.0 M ammonium chloride. At 298 K, the pKb of NH4OH is 5.0. The pH of the buffer is

  • 10.0

  • 9.0

  • 6.0

  • 8.0


Which of the following behaves as Lewis acid and not as Bronsted acid ?

  • HCl

  • H2SO4

  • HSO3-

  • SO3


Conjugate acid of HF2- is

  • H+

  • HF

  • F2-

  • H2F2


Water is well known amphoprotic solvent. In which chemical reaction water is behaving as a base?

  • H2SO4 + H2O → H3O+ HSO4-

  • H2O + H2O → H3O+ + OH-

  • H2O + NH2- → NH+ OH-

  • H2O + NH3 → NH4+ + OH-
