Thus, in the liquid state, H2O exists as an associated liquid.
We know that in ice, each oxygen atom is surrounded by four hydrogen atoms in such a way that two hydrogen atoms are linked to an oxygen atom by covalent bonds whereas other two hydrogen atoms are linked by hydrogen bonds. In ice (solid state), a water molecule is associated with four other water molecules through hydrogen bonding in a tetrahedral manner. This gives rise to open cage-like structure which prevents the close packing of molecules (lower density). When ice absorbs heat and melts to form water, hydrogen bonds break and close packing of water molecules take place. Due to this close packing, the density of water is higher than that of ice and ice floats over water.
Among NH3, H2O and HF, which would you expect to have the highest magnitude of hydrogen bonding and why ?
Would you expect the hydrides of N, O and F to have lower boiling points than the hydrides of their subsequent group members? Give reasons.
Complete the following chemical reactions:Classify the above into (a) hydrolysis (b) redox (c) hydration reactions.
Complete the following chemical reactions:Classify the above into (a) hydrolysis (b) redox (c) hydration reactions.
Consider the reaction of water with F2 and suggest, in terms of oxidation and reduction which species are oxidised/ reduced.
What happens when:
(i) Steam is passed over red hot coke at 1273 K
(ii) Water is added to Cl2O7
(iii) Water is added to bismuth chloride
(iv) Water is added to silicon tetrachloride?