Among NH3, H2O and HF, which would you expect to have the highest magnitude of hydrogen bonding and why ?
Electronegativity of N, O F increases as N < O < F.
Therefore strength of hydrogen bond also increases as
N - H ... N < O - H ... O < F - H ... F
In other words, the magnitude of the +ve charge on hydrogen and -ve charge on F is highest and hence electrostatic attraction or hydrogen bonding is strongest in H – F.
Would you expect the hydrides of N, O and F to have lower boiling points than the hydrides of their subsequent group members? Give reasons.
Complete the following chemical reactions:Classify the above into (a) hydrolysis (b) redox (c) hydration reactions.
Complete the following chemical reactions:Classify the above into (a) hydrolysis (b) redox (c) hydration reactions.
Consider the reaction of water with F2 and suggest, in terms of oxidation and reduction which species are oxidised/ reduced.
What happens when:
(i) Steam is passed over red hot coke at 1273 K
(ii) Water is added to Cl2O7
(iii) Water is added to bismuth chloride
(iv) Water is added to silicon tetrachloride?