What is the wavelength of an α-particle having mass 6.6 × 10-27 kg moving with a speed of 105 cms-1? ( h = 6.6 × 10-34 kgm2 - s)?
2 × 10-12 m
3 × 10-10 m
1 × 10-10 m
2 × 10-10 m
With what velocity should an -particle travel towards the nucleus of a copper atom to arrive at a distance of 10-13m from the nucleus of the copper atom?(K = 9x 109 Nm2/C2 (Mass of -particle = 6.64 x 10-27kg).
634 x 106 ms-1
634 x105 ms-1
5.34 x 106 ms-1
534 x 105 ms-1
634 x 106 ms-1
The potential energy of the -particle at a distance of 10-13 m from the nucleus of the copper atom is
What is the ratio of the velocities of CH4 and O2 molecules so that they are associated with de-Broglie waves of equal wavelengths?
2: 1
3: 2
1: 2
The ratio of slopes of Kmax vs V and V0 vs v curves in the photoelectric effects gives (v = frequency, Kmax = maximum kinetic energy, v0 = stopping potential)
the ratio of Planck's constant of electronic charge
work function
Planck's constant
charge of electron
A certain metal when irradiated by light (r = 3.2 × 1016 Hz) emits photoelectrons with twice kinetic energy as did photoelectrons when the same metal is irradiated by light (r = 2.0 × 1016 Hz). The v0 of metal is
1.2 × 1014 Hz
8 × 1015 Hz
1.2 × 1016 Hz
4 × 1012 Hz
A radioactive element X emits 3, 1 and 1-particles and forms 76Y235. Element X is
The radius of Na+ is 95 pm and that of Cl- ion is 181 pm. Hence, the coordination number of Na+ will be