The 'number of tetrahedral and octahedral voids in CCP unit cell

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


What is the number of atoms in the unit cell of body centred cubic crystal?

  • 1

  • 3

  • 4

  • 2


It a compound is formed by X, Y and Z atoms and Z is present on the comers, Y is present 12 tetrahedral voids and X atom in 12 octahedral voids, which of the following will be the molecular formula of the compound?

  • X2Y4Z

  • XYZ4

  • XYZ

  • X2ZY


If in a cubic cell, atoms A present at all comers and atoms B at the centre of each face. What will be the molecular formula of the compound, if all the atoms present on one body diagonal are replaced by atom C?

  • A3B12C

  • AB12C3

  • ABC3

  • A3B12C4


Which among the following will anisotrophy?

  • glass

  • plastic

  • barium chloride

  • wood


The packing efficiency of simple cubic (sc), body centred cubic (bcc) and cubic close packing (ccp) lattices follow the order

  • bcc <ccp <sc

  • ccp <bcc <sc

  • sc <ccp <bcc

  • sc <bcc <ccp



The 'number of tetrahedral and octahedral voids in CCP unit cell are respectively

  • 4, 8

  • 8, 4

  • 12, 6

  • 6, 12


8, 4

In a closed packed structure [CCP or HCP] if there are n spheres (atoms or ions) in packing, then,
Number of octahedral voids = n
Number of tetrahedral voids = 2n
Number of atoms = 4
So number of octahedral voids = 4
Number of tetrahedral voids = 8


Element ‘B’ forms ccp structure and ‘A’ occupies half of the octahedral voids, while oxygen atoms occupy all the tetrahedral voids. The structure of bimetallic oxide is:

  • AB2O4

  • A2B2O

  • A2BO4

  • A4B2O


0.27 g of a long chain fatty acid was dissolved in 100 cm3 of hexane. 10 mL of this solution was added dropwise to the surface of water in a round watch glass. Hexane evaporates and a monolayer is formed. The distance from edge to centre of the watch glass is 10 cm. What is the height of the monolayer ?[Density of fatty acid = 0.9 g cm-3, π=3]

  • 10-6 m

  • 10-2 m

  • 10-4 m

  • 10-8 m


The structures of beryllium chloride in the solid state and vapour phase, respectively, are :

  • Chain and chain

  • Chain and Dimeric

  • Dimeric and dimeric

  • Dimeric and chain


10 mL of 1 mM surfactant solution forms a monolayer covering 0.24 cm2 on a polar substrate. If the polar head is approximated as a cube, what is its edge length?

  • 2.0 pm

  • 0.1 nm

  • 2.0 nm

  • 1.0 pm
