Assign reasons for the following:
Transition metals and their many compounds act as good catalyst.
Transition metals acts as catalyst due to the following reasons:
(i) Their partially empty d-orbitals provide surface area for reactant molecules.
(ii) They combine with reactant molecules to form transition states and lowers their activation energy.
(iii) They show multiple oxidation states and by giving electrons to reactants they form complexes and lower their energies.0
V2O5 (in contact process for manufacture of H2SO4), finely divided iron (in Haeber’s process for NH3 manufacture) and Ni (in catalytic hydrogenation) are examples of their good catalytic activities.
Actinoid contraction is greater from element to element than lanthanoid contraction. Why?
Scandium (Z = 21) does not exhibit variable oxidation states and yet it is regarded as a transition element.
What may be the possible oxidation states of the transition metals with the following d electronic configurations in the ground state of their atoms: 3d34s2,3d54s2 and 3d64s2. Indicative relative stability of oxidation states in each case.