What is meant by the diagonal relationship of elements? Discuss the diagonal relationship of beryllium with aluminium.
Beryllium exhibits some similarities with aluminium. Point out three such properties.
Discuss the diagonal realtionship of Be and Al with regard to:
(i) action of alkali (ii) structure of chlorides.
Give any three points of similarities between beryllium and aluminium and two points of dissimilarities between beryllium and barium ?
Points of similarities:
(i) BeO as well as Al2O3 are high melting solids.
(ii) Anhydrous chlorides of Be as well as Al are covalent, soluble inorganic solvent and act as Lewis acids.
(iii) Both Be and Al form fluoro-complex anions and
in solution.
Points of dissimilarities:
(i) Beryllium does not impart any colour to bunsen flame owing to its small atomic and ionic size in which electrons are held more tightly ; on the other hand, barium imparts apple green colour to the bunsen flame.
(ii) Beryllium is least and barium is most reactive in the group.
How does magnesium occur in nature? How is magnesium obtained by electrolysis method ?
What happens when:
(i) magnesium is heated with water.
(ii) magnesium is heated in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide,
(iii) magnesium is treated with dilute sulphuric acid and
(iv) magnesium is treated with nitrogen?