Important Questions of Thermodynamics Chemistry | Zigya

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For a spontaneous process, the correct statement(s) is (are)

  • (Gsystem)T,p> 0

  • (Ssystem ) + (Ssurrounding) >0

  • (Gsystem )T,p <0

  • (Usystem)T,V>0


Pressure-volume (pV) work done by an ideal gaseous system at constant volume is (where E is internal energy of the system)

  • -p/p

  • zero

  • -Vp

  • -E


For isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, the correct combination of the thermodynamic parameters will be

  • U = 0; Q = 0; W ≠ 0 and H ≠  0

  • U ≠ 0; Q ≠ 0; W ≠ 0 and H =  0

  • U = 0; Q ≠ 0; W = 0 and H ≠  0

  • U = 0; Q ≠ 0; W ≠ 0 and H =  0


The standard Gibbs free energy change (G°) at 25°C for the dissociation of N2O4(g) to NO2(g) is (given, equilibrium constant = 0.15, R = 8.314 JK/mol)

  • 1.1 kJ

  • 4.7 kJ

  • 8.1 kJ

  • 38.2 kJ


The condition of spontaneity of a process is

  • lowering of entropy at constant temperature and pressure

  • lowering of Gibbs free energy of system at constant temperature and pressure

  • increase of entropy of system at constant temperature and pressure

  • increase of Gibbs free energy of the universe at constant temperature and pressure


Identify the correct statement from the following in a chemical reaction

  • The entropy always increases

  • The change in entropy along with suitable change in enthalpy decides the rate of reaction

  • The enthalpy always decreases

  • Both the enthalpy and the entropy remain constant


A plot of ln K against 1T (abscissa) is expected to be a straight line with intercept on ordinate axis equal to

  • S°2.303 R

  • S°R

  • -S°R

  • R × S°


Which of the following is correct?

  • Evaporation of water causes an increase in disorder of the system

  • Melting of ice causes a decrease in randomness of the system

  • Condensation of steam causes an increase in disorder of the system

  • There is practically no change in the randomness of the system when water is evaporated


In which of the following reactions will U be equal to H?

  • H2(g) +12O2(g)H2O(l)

  • H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)

  • N2O4(g)  2NO2(g)

  • 2SO4(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)


For the reaction

N(g) + 3H2 (g)  2NH3 (g) H is equal to

  • E - 2RT

  • E - RT

  • E + RT

  • E + 2RT
