At what temperature, reduction of lead oxide to lead by carbon
becomes spontaneous? For this reason are 108.4 kJ mol-1 and 190.0 JK-1 mol-1 respectively.
According to Gibb's Helmoltz equation
At equilibrium,
Above this temperature, ∆G will be negative and the reaction will become spontaneous.
For the reaction at 298 K
At what temperature will the reaction become spontaneous considering to be constant over the temperature range?
For the reaction
Calculate for the reaction and predict whether the reaction may occur spontaneously.
For the reaction, calculate the temperature at which
is equal to zero. Also predict the direction of the reaction at:
(i) temperature
(ii) below this temperature
For the melting of ice at
the enthalpy of fusion is and entropy of fusion is 25.4
Calculate the free energy change and predict whether the melting of ice is spontaneous or not at this temperature.
What do you understand by:
(i) Standard free energy change (∆rG0)
(ii) Standard free energy of formation (∆fG0).
Calculate the standard free energy change for the reaction
Given that the standard free energies of formation for
are -16.8, +86.7 and -237.2 kJ mol-1 respectively. Predict the feasibility of the above reaction at the standard state.