The favourable conditions for a spontaneous reaction are from Ch

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Given, G°=-nFE°cell and G° = -RT ln k. The value of n = 2 will be given by the slope of which line in the figure

  • OA

  • OB

  • OC

  • OD


The standard molar heat of formation of ethane, CO2 and water (l) are respectively -21.1, -94.1 and -68.3 kcal. The standard molar heat of combustion of ethane will be

  • -372 kcal

  • 162 kcal

  • -240 kcal

  • 183.5 kcal


For the given reaction,

H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) → 2H+ (aq) + 2Cl- (aq); G° = -262.4 kJ

The value of free energy of formation (G°f) for the ion Cl-1 (aq), therefore will be

  • -131.2 kJ mol-1

  • +131.2 kJ mol-1

  • -262.4 kJ mol-1

  • +262.4 kJ mol-1


When 1 mole of CO2 (g) occupying volume 10 L at 27°C is expanded under adiabatic condition, temeprature falls to 150 K. Hence, final volume is

  • 5 L

  • 20 L

  • 40 L

  • 80 L


Match List I (Equations) with List II (Types of process) and select the correct option.

List I



List II

(Types of process)

A. Kp >Q 1. Non-spontaneous
B. G° < RT in Q  2. Equilibrium
C. Kp =Q 3. Spontaneous and endothermic
D. T > HS 4. Spontaneous

  • A B C D
    1 2 3 4
  • A B C D
    3 4 2 1
  • A B C D
    4 1 2 3
  • A B C D
    2 1 1 3


Consider the following processes H (kJ/mol)

      12A   B + 1503B  2C + D - 125E+A  2D + 350for B+ D  E + 2C, H will be

  • 525 k.J/mol

  • -175 kJ/mol

  • -325kJ/mol

  • 325 kJ/mol


Heat of formation, Hf° of an explosive compound like NCl3 is

  • positive

  • Negative

  • Zero

  • Positive or Negative


For the reaction,

C3H8(g) + 5O2(g)  3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l) at constant temperature,H-E is

  • RT

  • -3RT

  • 3RT

  • -RT



The favourable conditions for a spontaneous reaction are

  • T S >H, H=+ve, S= +ve

  • T S >H, H=+ve, S= -ve

  • T S =H, H= -ve, S= -ve

  • T S =H, H= -ve, S= +ve


T S >H, H=+ve, S= +ve

G=H-T S. For spontaneous process, G should be negative. Hence, H= +ve, S= +veandTS >H.


Enthalpy of a compound is equal to its

  • heat of combustion

  • heat of formation

  • heat of reaction

  • heat of solution
