Which of the following cannot be valid assignment of probabiliti

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type

601. If A, B are any two events, prove that:
(a) space space space straight P left parenthesis straight A with bar on top intersection straight B with bar on top right parenthesis space equals space 1 minus straight P left parenthesis straight A union straight B right parenthesis         (b) straight P left parenthesis top enclose straight A union straight B with bar on top right parenthesis space equals space 1 minus straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight B right parenthesis

 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


If A, B, C are any three events, then prove that

P(A ∪ B ∪ C) = P(A) + P(B) + P(C) - P(A ∩ B) - P(B ∩ C) - P(C ∩ A) + P(A ∩ B ∩ C)



603. Which of the following cannot be valid assignment of probabilities for outcomes of sample space: S = {ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4, ω5, ω6, ω7}
       straight omega subscript 1       <pre>uncaught exception: <b>mkdir(): Permission denied (errno: 2) in /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php at line #56mkdir(): Permission denied</b><br /><br />in file: /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php line 56<br />#0 [internal function]: _hx_error_handler(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/home/config_ad...', 56, Array)
#1 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php(56): mkdir('/home/config_ad...', 493)
#2 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/FolderTreeStorageAndCache.class.php(110): com_wiris_util_sys_Store->mkdirs()
#3 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/RenderImpl.class.php(231): com_wiris_plugin_impl_FolderTreeStorageAndCache->codeDigest('mml=<math xmlns...')
#4 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/TextServiceImpl.class.php(59): com_wiris_plugin_impl_RenderImpl->computeDigest(NULL, Array)
#5 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/service.php(19): com_wiris_plugin_impl_TextServiceImpl->service('mathml2accessib...', Array)
#6 {main}</pre>         straight omega subscript 3         straight omega subscript 4        straight omega subscript 5        straight omega subscript 6       space space space space straight omega subscript 7
(a)   0.1       0.01       0.05        0.03      0.01      0.2           0.6

(b)    1 over 7        1 over 7        1 over 7          1 over 7        1 over 7        1 over 7          1 over 7

(c)    0.1        0.2        0.3          0.4        0.5        0.6          0.7

(d)    -0.1      0.2         0.3          0.4       -0.2       0.1          0.3

(e)   1 over 14     <pre>uncaught exception: <b>mkdir(): Permission denied (errno: 2) in /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php at line #56mkdir(): Permission denied</b><br /><br />in file: /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php line 56<br />#0 [internal function]: _hx_error_handler(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/home/config_ad...', 56, Array)
#1 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php(56): mkdir('/home/config_ad...', 493)
#2 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/FolderTreeStorageAndCache.class.php(110): com_wiris_util_sys_Store->mkdirs()
#3 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/RenderImpl.class.php(231): com_wiris_plugin_impl_FolderTreeStorageAndCache->codeDigest('mml=<math xmlns...')
#4 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/TextServiceImpl.class.php(59): com_wiris_plugin_impl_RenderImpl->computeDigest(NULL, Array)
#5 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/service.php(19): com_wiris_plugin_impl_TextServiceImpl->service('mathml2accessib...', Array)
#6 {main}</pre>      3 over 14      4 over 14       5 over 14     space 6 over 14        15 over 14

(a) For, italic 1 italic less or equal than i italic less or equal than italic 7 italic comma
             0 less or equal than straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 1 right parenthesis less or equal than 1
Also, straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 1 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 2 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 3 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 4 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 5 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 6 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 7 right parenthesis
                      = 0.1 + 0.01 + 0.05 + 0.03 + 0.01 + 0.2 + 0.6 = 1
Hence, the table gives valid assignments of probabilities.

(b) For,  space space 1 less or equal than straight i less or equal than 7
             space space straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript straight i right parenthesis equals 1 over 7
rightwards double arrow        0 less or equal than straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript straight i right parenthesis less or equal than 1 for, space 1 less or equal than straight i less or equal than 7
Also, straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 1 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 2 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 3 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 4 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 5 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 6 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 7 right parenthesis
                       equals space 1 over 7 plus 1 over 7 plus 1 over 7 plus 1 over 7 plus 1 over 7 plus 1 over 7 plus 1 over 7 equals 1.
Hence, the table gives valid assignment of probabilities.

(c) For, 1 less or equal than straight i less or equal than 7 comma
             0 less or equal than straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript straight i right parenthesis less or equal than 1
Now, straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 1 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 2 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 3 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 4 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 5 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 6 right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 7 right parenthesis
                      = 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.4 + 0.5 + 0.6 + 0.7 = <pre>uncaught exception: <b>mkdir(): Permission denied (errno: 2) in /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php at line #56mkdir(): Permission denied</b><br /><br />in file: /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php line 56<br />#0 [internal function]: _hx_error_handler(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/home/config_ad...', 56, Array)
#1 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php(56): mkdir('/home/config_ad...', 493)
#2 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/FolderTreeStorageAndCache.class.php(110): com_wiris_util_sys_Store->mkdirs()
#3 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/RenderImpl.class.php(231): com_wiris_plugin_impl_FolderTreeStorageAndCache->codeDigest('mml=<math xmlns...')
#4 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/TextServiceImpl.class.php(59): com_wiris_plugin_impl_RenderImpl->computeDigest(NULL, Array)
#5 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/service.php(19): com_wiris_plugin_impl_TextServiceImpl->service('mathml2accessib...', Array)
#6 {main}</pre>
      Hence, the table does not give valid assignment of probabilities.

(d)    straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 1 right parenthesis space equals space minus 0.1 space not an element of space left square bracket 0 comma 1 right square bracket
Hence, the table does not give valid assignment of probabilities.

(e) straight P left parenthesis straight omega subscript 7 right parenthesis space equals space 15 over 14 space not an element of space left square bracket 0 comma 1 right square bracket
Hence, the table does not give valid assignment of probabilities.


604. Let a sample space be S = {ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4, ω5, ω6}. Which of the following assignments of probabilities to each outcome are valid?

Outcomes    straight omega subscript 1         <pre>uncaught exception: <b>mkdir(): Permission denied (errno: 2) in /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php at line #56mkdir(): Permission denied</b><br /><br />in file: /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php line 56<br />#0 [internal function]: _hx_error_handler(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/home/config_ad...', 56, Array)
#1 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php(56): mkdir('/home/config_ad...', 493)
#2 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/FolderTreeStorageAndCache.class.php(110): com_wiris_util_sys_Store->mkdirs()
#3 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/RenderImpl.class.php(231): com_wiris_plugin_impl_FolderTreeStorageAndCache->codeDigest('mml=<math xmlns...')
#4 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/TextServiceImpl.class.php(59): com_wiris_plugin_impl_RenderImpl->computeDigest(NULL, Array)
#5 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/service.php(19): com_wiris_plugin_impl_TextServiceImpl->service('mathml2accessib...', Array)
#6 {main}</pre>        straight omega subscript 3          straight omega subscript 4         straight omega subscript 5             straight omega subscript 6
(a)              1 over 6         1 over 6         1 over 6          1 over 6          1 over 6             1 over 6

(b)               1            0            0             0            0                0

(c)            space space 1 over 8          2 over 3         1 third          1 third        fraction numerator negative 1 over denominator 4 end fraction           fraction numerator negative 1 over denominator 3 end fraction

(d)            1 over 12        1 over 12        1 over 6          1 over 6          1 over 6             3 over 2

(e)             0.1          0.2         0.3          0.4         0.5             0.6



 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type

605. A die is rolled twice. Find P (sum of the numbers on the two dice is greater than or equal to 8)

606. A die is rolled twice. Find P (an odd number appears on the first die and a 6 on the second die).

607. A die is rolled twice. Find P (a total ≥ 11 is obtained).

608. A die is rolled twice. Find P (a number > 4 appears on each die).

609. A die is rolled twice. Find P (a doublet is obtained).

610. A die is rolled twice. Find P (a doublet is not obtained).
