Arun and Tarun appear for an interview for two vacancies. The pr

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


Fatima and John appear in an interview for two vacancies in the same post. The probability of Fatima's selection is 1 over 7 space and spacethat of John's selection is 1 fifth. What is the probability that none of them will be selected.



862. Arun and Tarun appear for an interview for two vacancies. The probability of Arun's selection is 1 third and that of Tarun's selection is 1 fifth. Find the probability that only one of them will be selected.

Let A denote the event ‘Arun is selected’ and B denote the event ‘Tarun is selected’
therefore space space space straight P left parenthesis straight A right parenthesis space equals space 1 third comma space space straight P left parenthesis straight B right parenthesis space equals space 1 fifth
Also A and B are independent. A and not B are independent, not A and B are independent.
       P (only one of them is selected)
     = P ('A and not B'  or 'B and not A')
     = P(A and not B) + P(B and not A)
     = P(A) P(not B) + P(B) P(not A)
  space equals space straight P left parenthesis straight A right parenthesis space open square brackets 1 minus straight P left parenthesis straight B right parenthesis close square brackets space plus space straight P left parenthesis straight B right parenthesis space open square brackets 1 minus straight P left parenthesis straight A right parenthesis close square brackets
    equals space 1 third cross times open square brackets 1 minus 1 fifth close square brackets plus 1 fifth open square brackets 1 minus 1 third close square brackets space equals space 1 third cross times 4 over 5 plus 1 fifth cross times 2 over 3 equals space 4 over 15 plus 2 over 15 equals space 6 over 15 equals space 2 over 5.


863. Kamal and Monica appeared for an interview for two vacancies. The probability of Kamal’s selection is 1 third and that of Monica’s selection is 4 over 5. Find the probability that only one of them will be selected. 

864. Surjit and Sachdev appeared for an interview. The probability of their selection is 1 third space and space 1 over 6 respectively. Find the probability both selected.

865. Surjit and Sachdev appeared for an interview. The probability of their selection is 1 third space and space 1 over 6 respectively. Find the probability only one of them selected.

866. Surjit and Sachdev appeared for an interview. The probability of their selection is 1 third space and space 1 over 6 respectively. Find the probability neither of them selected.

867. Balwant and Kulwant appeared for an interview. The probability of their selection is 1 third space and space 1 fifth respectively. Find the probability both selected.

868. Balwant and Kulwant appeared for an interview. The probability of their selection is 1 third space and space 1 fifth respectively. Find the probability only of them selected.

869. Balwant and Kulwant appeared for an interview. The probability of their selection is 1 third space and space 1 fifth respectively. Find the probability neither of them selected.

 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type

870. Navdeepika and Meenakshi appeared for an interview. The probability of their selection is 1 third space and space 1 fourth respectively. Find the probability of
(i) both selected.
(ii) only one of them selected
(iii) neither of them selected.
