On the set of integers Z, define f : Z Z as f(n) = , then 'f' is
injective but not surjective
neither injective nor surjective
surjective but not injective
The inverse of 2010 in the group Q* of all positive rational under the binary operation * defined by a * b = is
Define a relation R on A = {1, 2, 3, 4} as xRy if x divides y. R is
reflexive and transitive
reflexive and symmetric
symmetric and transitive
On the set of all non-zero reals, an operation * is defined as a * b = . In this group, a solution of (2 * x) * 3-1 = 4-1 is
If A and B have n elements in common, then the numberofelements common to A x B and B x A is
Which of the following is false ?
(N, *) is a group
(N, +) is a semi-group
(Z, +) is a group
Set of even integers is a group under usual addition
Let S be the set of all real numbers. A relation R has been defined on S by aRb , then R is
symmetric and transitive but not reflexive
reflexive and transitive but not symmetrIc
reflexive and symmetric but not transitive
an equivalence relation
For any two real numbers, an operation * defined by a * b = 1 + ab is
neither commutative nor associative
commutative but not associative
both commutative and associative
associative but not commutative
Let f : N N defined by f(n) = , then f is
onto but not one-one
one-one and onto
neither one-one nor onto
one-one but not onto
Suppose f(x) = (x + 1)2 for x - 1. If g(x) is a function whose graph is the reflection of the graph of f(x) in the line y = x, then g(x) is equal to