Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose nth te

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type



Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose nth terms are :

straight a subscript straight n space equals space fraction numerator straight n left parenthesis straight n squared plus 5 right parenthesis over denominator 4 end fraction

Here straight a subscript straight n space equals space fraction numerator straight n left parenthesis straight n squared plus 5 right parenthesis over denominator 4 end fraction

Putting n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we get

        space space straight a subscript 1 space equals space fraction numerator 1 left parenthesis 1 squared plus 5 right parenthesis over denominator 4 end fraction space equals space 6 over 4 space equals space 3 over 2 comma space space space straight a subscript 2 space equals space fraction numerator 2 left parenthesis 2 squared plus 5 right parenthesis over denominator 4 end fraction space equals space 9 over 2 comma space space straight a subscript 3 space equals space fraction numerator 3 left parenthesis 3 squared plus 5 right parenthesis over denominator 4 end fraction space equals space 21 over 2

          straight a subscript 4 equals space fraction numerator 4 left parenthesis 4 squared plus 5 right parenthesis over denominator 4 end fraction equals 21 comma space space space straight a subscript 5 equals space fraction numerator 5 left parenthesis 5 squared plus 5 right parenthesis over denominator 4 end fraction space equals space 75 over 2

∴ First five terms are 3 over 2 comma space space 9 over 2 comma space 21 over 2 comma space 21 comma space 75 over 2



Write the first five terms of the sequence whose nth terms are:

straight a subscript straight n space equals space left parenthesis negative 1 right parenthesis to the power of straight n minus 1 end exponent space 5 to the power of straight n plus 1 end exponent



Find the indicated terms in the following sequence whose nth terms are :

space space straight a subscript straight n space equals space fraction numerator straight n left parenthesis straight n minus 2 right parenthesis over denominator straight n plus 3 end fraction



Find the indicated terms in the following sequence whose nth terms are:

straight h left parenthesis straight n right parenthesis space equals space fraction numerator straight n squared plus 2 straight n over denominator 2 straight n end fraction semicolon space straight h left parenthesis straight n minus 1 right parenthesis comma space straight h left parenthesis 16 right parenthesis



The Fibonacci sequence is defined by

                   <pre>uncaught exception: <b>mkdir(): Permission denied (errno: 2) in /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php at line #56mkdir(): Permission denied</b><br /><br />in file: /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php line 56<br />#0 [internal function]: _hx_error_handler(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/home/config_ad...', 56, Array)
#1 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php(56): mkdir('/home/config_ad...', 493)
#2 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/FolderTreeStorageAndCache.class.php(110): com_wiris_util_sys_Store->mkdirs()
#3 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/RenderImpl.class.php(231): com_wiris_plugin_impl_FolderTreeStorageAndCache->codeDigest('mml=<math xmlns...')
#4 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/TextServiceImpl.class.php(59): com_wiris_plugin_impl_RenderImpl->computeDigest(NULL, Array)
#5 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/service.php(19): com_wiris_plugin_impl_TextServiceImpl->service('mathml2accessib...', Array)
#6 {main}</pre>

Find fraction numerator straight a subscript straight n plus 1 over denominator straight a subscript straight n end fraction, for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.



Find the first six terms of the sequence whose first term is 1 and whose (n+l)th term is obtained by adding n to the nth term.


 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


Consider the sequence defined by tn = an2 + bn + c. If t2 = 3, t4 = 13 and t7 = 113, show that 3tn = 17n2 – 87n + 115


 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


Write first five terms of the following sequence and obtain the corresponding series.

<pre>uncaught exception: <b>mkdir(): Permission denied (errno: 2) in /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php at line #56mkdir(): Permission denied</b><br /><br />in file: /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php line 56<br />#0 [internal function]: _hx_error_handler(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/home/config_ad...', 56, Array)
#1 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/util/sys/Store.class.php(56): mkdir('/home/config_ad...', 493)
#2 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/FolderTreeStorageAndCache.class.php(110): com_wiris_util_sys_Store->mkdirs()
#3 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/RenderImpl.class.php(231): com_wiris_plugin_impl_FolderTreeStorageAndCache->codeDigest('mml=<math xmlns...')
#4 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/lib/com/wiris/plugin/impl/TextServiceImpl.class.php(59): com_wiris_plugin_impl_RenderImpl->computeDigest(NULL, Array)
#5 /home/config_admin/public/felixventures.in/public/application/css/plugins/tiny_mce_wiris/integration/service.php(19): com_wiris_plugin_impl_TextServiceImpl->service('mathml2accessib...', Array)
#6 {main}</pre> for all n>1



Write first five terms of the following sequence and obtain the corresponding series.

straight a subscript 1 space equals space straight a subscript 2 space equals space 2 comma space space space straight a subscript straight n space equals space straight a subscript straight n minus 1 end subscript space minus space 1, n>2



Show that the sequence space space open curly brackets straight t subscript straight n close curly brackets defined by straight t subscript straight n space equals space nA space plus space straight B (where A and B are constant) is an A.P. with common difference A.

