A wheel makes 360 revolutions in one minute. Through how many radians does it turn in one second?
Number of revolutions in one minute or 60 seconds = 360 Number of revolutions in one second =
Degree measure of an angle turned in one second =
Radian measure of an angle turned in one second =
A wheel rotates through an angle of radians in one second. How many revolutions will it make in 5 minutes?
The difference between two acute angles of a right angled triangle is Express the angles in: (a) degrees (b) radians.
Find the degree measure of the angle subtended at the centre of a circle of radius 100
cm by an arc of length 22 cm (Use ).
An athlete runs 4 times around a circular running path to describe 1760 metres.
What is the angle in (i) radians, (ii) degrees subtended at the centre of the circle, when
he had run a distance of 308 metres?