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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions

11. This government has given subsidies to the Navratnas but there is no telling whether the subsequent one will do.
  • whether the subsequent government will do so
  • if the government to follow will accept the policy
  •  if the government to follow will adhere to the policy
  •  if the government to follow will adhere to the policy

12. The management can still hire freely but cannot scold freely
  • cannot scold at will
  • cannot give umbrage
  • cannot take decision to scold
  • cannot take decision to scold

13. (a) Payment for imports and exports is made through a system called foreign exchange. The value of the money of one country in relation to the money of other countries is agreed upon.
(b) The rates of exchange vary from time to time.
(c) For example. an American dollar or a British pound sterling is worth certain amounts in the money of other countries.
(d) Sometimes a US dollar is worth 60 rupees in India.
  • abcd
  • bacd
  • acbd
  • acbd

14. (a) When a dictionary is being edited. a lexicographer collects all the alphabetically arranged
citation slips for a particular word.
(b) The moment a new word is coined. it usually enters the spoken language.
(c) The dictionary takes note of it and makes a note of it on a citation slip.
(d) The word then passes from the realm of hearing to the realm of writing.
  • abcd
  • acbd
  • bacd
  • bacd

15. (a) The impression that corruption is a universal phenomenon persists and the people do not
co-operate in checking this evil.
(b) So there is hardly anything that the government can do about it now.
(c) It is regrettable that there is a widespread corruption in the country at all levels.
(d) Recently several offenders were brought to book. but they were not given deterrent punishment.
  • cdab
  • adbc
  • adcb
  • adcb

16. (a) In all social affairs convention prescribes more or less generally accepted rules of behaviour.
(b) Of course, there is nothing absolute about conventions.
(c) They vary from country to country, from age to age.
(d) Convention has a necessary part to play in the life of everyone.
  • abcd
  • adbc
  • dacb
  • dacb

17. (a) In fact. only recently there have been serious studies to find out how many of us actually have nightmares.
(b) Now that is changing.
(c) The study of nightmares has been curiously neglected.
(d) While results so far are inconclusive, it seems fair to say that at least half the population has occasional nightmares.
  • cadb
  • abdc
  • adcb
  • adcb


a: People who start up their own business typically come from two extreme backgrounds: One is the business family background and the other is a steady professional family background.
b: Typically, people from different backgrounds face different kinds of basic problems.
c: The people from both the backgrounds find it very difficult to establish and manage an enterprise.
d: Starting up and managing a small business is no joke.

  • d b c a

  • b a c d

  • d a c b

  • d a c b



 a: Venture capital is recommended as the ideal source of financing for a successfully small business.
b: Several companies including start ups have been funded by dedicated venture funds during this decade.
c: Despite this, an average Indian entrepreneur understands and appreciation of venture capital concept has been woefully inadequate.
d: In the Indian context, though venture capital has been a relatively late entrant, it has already made a reasonable impact.

  • a b c d

  • a d b c

  • a c b d

  • a c b d



 a: Progress in diagnosis, in preventive medicine and in treatment, both medicinal and surgical, has been rapid and breathe taking.
b: Much in medicine which is not taken for granted was undreamt of even as recently as 20 years ago.
c: Presently small pox has been eradicated, poliomyelitis practically banished, tuberculosis has become curable and coronary artery disease surgically relievable.
d: The dramatic surge in the field of molecular biology and research by immunologists and geneticists has succeeded in controlling parasitic diseases like malaria and river blindness that affect millions of people round the world.

  • b d c a

  • b a c d

  • b c a d

  • b c a d

