Principle: Whoever does not arrest the killer and report the mat

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Principle: Acceptance of proposal must be the exact mirror image of the proposal.
Facts: 'A' made a proposal to 'B' to sell a chair for Rs. 500. 'B' expressed his desire to buy the said chair for Rs. 400.

  • It is not clear whether A made a proposal to 'B'.

  • 'B' has accepted the proposal of 'A'.

  • 'B' has not accepted the proposal of 'A'.

  • 'B' has not accepted the proposal of 'A'.



Principle: A condition to a contract can also be complied with after the happening of the event to which such a condition is attached.
Facts: 'A' promises to pay Rs. 5000 to 'B' on the condition that he shall marry with the consent of 'C', 'D' and 'E'. 'B' marries without the consent of 'C', 'D' and 'E', but obtains their consent after the marriage.

  • 'B's marriage is not valid.

  • 'B' has not fulfilled the condition.

  • The condition is illegal

  • The condition is illegal



Principle: Killing is not murder if the offender, whilst deprived of the power of self-control by intense and sudden provocation, causes the death of the person who gave the provocation.
Facts: 'A', a man found his girl friend sleeping, in her own bed room, with another man named 'B'. 'A' did not do anything but went to his home, picked a gun and cartridges, returned to the girl friend's bed room with loaded gun but found the place empty. After fifteen days he saw his girlfriend dining in a restaurant. Without waiting for even a second, 'A' fired five bullets at his girl friend who died on the spot.

  • A' could have killed 'B' instead of his girl friend.

  • 'A' could have killed both 'B' and his girl friend.

  • 'A' did not kill his girl friend under intense and sudden provocation.

  • 'A' did not kill his girl friend under intense and sudden provocation.



Principle: Whoever by words or writing conveys to others any imputation concerning any person's reputation is said to defame that person.
Facts: During a marriage ceremony, 'A' circulated a pamphlet saying that 'S', sister of the bride, is a thief, she has stolen the shoes of the bridegroom.

  • 'A' has defamed the bridegroom.

  • 'A' defamed the bride.

  • 'A' has defamed 'S'.

  • 'A' has defamed 'S'.




Principle: Whoever does not arrest the killer and report the matter to the concerned authorities commits an offence.
Facts: 'A', a woman, sees 'B' , another woman, killing a third woman 'C'. 'A' neither attempted to arrest 'B' nor informed the concerned authorities.

  • 'A' has not committed an offence.

  • 'A' has committed an offence.

  • 'B' has not committed an offence.

  • 'B' has not committed an offence.


'A' has committed an offence.



Principle: False imprisonment is a tort (wrong) which means the total restraint of a person's liberty without lawful justification.
Facts: A part of a public road had been closed for spectators of a boat race. 'P' wanted to enter but he was prevented by 'D' and other policemen because he had not paid the admission fee. 'P' was able to enter the enclosure by other means but was unable to go where he wanted to go. The policemen refused access to where he wanted to go but allowed him to remain where he was or to go back. 'P' remained within the enclosure and refused to leave. Subsequently, 'P' sued 'D' for false imprisonment.

  • It was a case of false imprisonment, but 'D' could not be made liable for it.

  • 'D' could not be made liable for false imprisonment as he has not touched him.

  • 'D' could be made liable for false imprisonment, as he did restrict P's movements.

  • 'D' could be made liable for false imprisonment, as he did restrict P's movements.



Principle: Nothing is an offence, which is done by accident or misfortune, and without any criminal intention or knowledge in the doing of a lawful act in a lawful manner by lawful means and with proper car e and caution.
Facts: 'A' takes up a gun, not knowing whether it is loaded or not, points it playfully at 'B' and pulls the trigger. Consequently, 'B' falls dead.

  • 'B's death is not accidental, as there was want of proper care and caution on the part of 'A'.

  • 'B's death is accidental, as 'A' had no intention to kill 'B'.

  • 'B's death is accidental, as 'A' was just pointing the gun playfully at 'B'.

  • 'B's death is accidental, as 'A' was just pointing the gun playfully at 'B'.



Under the Constitution of India restriction on freedom of religion can not be placed on the ground of -

  • Public order

  • Social justice

  • Morality

  • Morality



 Principle: Section 34 of Indian Penal Code provides that ‘When a criminal act is done by several persons in furtherance of the common intention of all, each of such persons is liable for that act in the same manner as if it were done by him alone.’

Facts: Three vagabonds, Sanju, Dilbag and Sushil decided to commit burglary. In the night, Sushil opened the lock and they broke into a rich man’s house when the entire family was on a pilgrimage. Sanju had gone to that house earlier in connection with some cleaning job. There was only a servant lady in the house. Hearing some sounds from the master bed room, the servant switched on the lights and went up to the room from where she heard the sound. Noticing that the servant was going to cry for help, Sanju grabbed her and covered her mouth with his hands and dragged her into the nearby room. The other two were collecting whatever they could from the room. When they were ready to go out of the house, they looked for Sanju and found him committing rape on the servant. They all left the house and the servant reported the matter to the police and identified Sanju. Subsequently, all three were arrested in connection with the offences of house breaking, burglary and rape. Identify the legal liability of the three.


  •  All three are liable for all the offences as there was common intention to commit the crimes.


  •  Sanju will be liable only for housebreaking and rape as he did not participate in the burglary.


  • Only Sanju will be liable for rape as he was the one who actually committed the offence.


  • Only Sanju will be liable for rape as he was the one who actually committed the offence.




Turpis arbiter’ means:

  • Corrupt prosecutor

  • Inefficient judge

  • Corrupt judge

  • Corrupt judge

