Earth is active planet and have phenomenon like volcano, earthqua

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Popular use of which of the following fertilizers increase the acidity of soil?

  • Potassium nitrate

  • Ammonium sulphate

  • Urea

  • Superphoshate of lime


If the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is doubled and there are favourable conditions of water, nutrients, light and temperature, what would happen to water requirement of plants?

  • It decrease initially for short time and then return to original value

  • It increases

  • It decreases

  • It increases initally for short time and then return to orginal value.


High Biological Oxygen demand in water body indicates

  • Chemical pollution

  • Organic pollutant

  • High photoautotroph

  • Pressure of heterotrophs


Which of the following is responsible for ozone hole?

  • CO2

  • CH4

  • Chlorine

  • NO



Earth is active planet and have phenomenon like volcano, earthquake and continental drift. The major source for continental drift is:

  • Moon gravity

  • Earth gravity

  • Radioactivity in core of earth

  • Energy from sun


Radioactivity in core of earth

Earth’s mantle is the solid, rocky interior of our planet. It can deform and flow by viscous creep over long time periods. Over a hundred million years, mantle rocks can move thousands of kilometers. The energy that drives this movement is heat (residual heat and radioactive decay of naturally occurring chemical elements) within the earth. They warm the Earth’s mantle and cause it to rise and sink.


Smog is due to

  • Air pollution derived from smoke and vehicles

  • More moisture in environment

  • Increase in CO2

  • Low temperature of earth surface


Which of the following is not a direct consequence of greenhouse effect?

  • Increase in sea level

  • Rainfall

  • Tsunami

  • Global warming


The graph represents the depth profile of temperature in the open ocean; in which region this is likely to be prevalent?

  • Topical region

  • Equatorial region

  • Polar region

  • Sub-tropical region


Which of the following is major radioactive indoor air pollutant in home air conditioner?

  • Cs

  • U

  • Sr

  • Rn


A much greater proportion of energy fixed by autotrophs is transferred to the herbivore level in the open ocean ecosystem than in forest ecosystem because

  • Aquatic autotrophs are small

  • Aquatic herbivores are more efficient feeders

  • Terrestrial autotrophs are less efficient feeders

  • Terrestrial autotrophs have more indigestible tissues
