Which one of the following is wrong about molecularity of a

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For a reaction; A + B  product, it was found that rate of reaction increases four times if concentration of 'A' is doubled, but the rate of reaction remains unaffected if concentration of 'B' is doubled. Hence, the rate law for reaction is :

  • rate = k[A][B]

  • rate = k[A]2

  • rate = k [A]2[B]1

  • rate = k [A]2[B]2


For the reaction :

H2 + Cl2 Sunlight 2HCl , the order of reaction is :

  • 0

  • 2

  • 1

  • 3


The rate constant k, for the reaction 

N2O5(g) 2NO2(g) +12O2(g) is 2.3 x 10-2s-1. Which equation given below describes the change of [N2O5] with time? [N2O5]0 and [N2O5]t correspond to concentration of N2O5 initially and at time t.

  • [N2O5]t =[N2O5]0 +kt

  • [N2O5]t = [N2O5]0ekt

  • log[N2O5]t = log[N2O5]0 +kt

  • ln[N2O5]0[N2O5]t= kt


For the reaction A + 2B → C, the reaction rate is doubled, if the concentration of A is doubled. The rate is increased by four times when concentrations of both A and B are increased by four times. The order of the reaction is

  • 3

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2


The increase in rate constant of a chemical reaction with increasing temperature is (are) due to the fact(s) that

  • the number of collisions among the reactant molecules increases with increasing temperature

  • the activation energy of the reaction decreases with increasing temperature

  • the concentration of the reactant molecules increases with increasing temperature

  • the number of reactant molecules acquiring the activation energy increases with increasing temperature


Identify the correct statement from the following in a chemical reaction.

  • The entropy always increases

  • The change in entropy along with the suitable change in enthalpy decides the rate of reaction

  • The enthalpy always decreases

  • Both the enthalpy and the entropy remain constant



Which one of the following is wrong about molecularity of a reaction?

  • It may be whole number or fractional

  • It is calculated from reaction mechanism

  • It is the number of molecules of the reactants taking part in a single step chemical reaction

  • It is always equal to the order of elementary reaction


It may be whole number or fractional

Molecularity of a reaction can never be fractional. It is always a whole number.


What is the activation energy for a reaction if its rate doubles when the temperature is raised from 20°C to 35°C ? (R = 8.314 J mol-1 K-1).

  • 342 kJ mol-1

  • 269 kJ mol-1

  • 34.7 kJ mol-1

  • 15.1 kJ mol-1


A reaction having equal energies of activation for forward and reverse reactions has

  • S = 0

  • G = 0

  • H = 0

  • H = G = S = 0


The rate of a certain reaction is given by, rate = k [H+]n. The rate increases 100 times when the pH changes from 3 to 1. The order (n) of the reaction is

  • 2

  • 0

  • 1

  • 1.5
