TEL is a compound used as from Chemistry Chemistry in Everyday L

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Saccharin, an artificial sweetener is manufactured from

  • toulene

  • cyclohexane

  • starch

  • cellulose


Butylated hydroxyl toluene as a food additive acts as

  • antioxidant

  • flavouring agent

  • colouring agnet

  • emulsifier


Which of the following is employed as a tranquiliser?

  • Equanil

  • Naproxen

  • Tetracycline

  • Dettol


Which of the following is not true?

  • Erythromycin is a bacteriostatic antibiotic

  • Ampicillin is not a natural antibiotic

  • Prontosil is not converted into sulphanilamide in the body

  • Vancomycin is a broad spectrum antibiotic


Bactericidal antibiotics among the following is

  • tetracycline

  • erythromycin

  • ofloxcin

  • chloromphenicol


The drug used to bring down fever are known as

  • analgesic

  • antibiotic

  • antipyretic

  • sulpha drugs



TEL is a compound used as

  • antibiotic

  • antiseptic

  • antiknocking

  • antioxidant



(a) Antibiotics are the chemicals which are produced by microbes and are used to inhibit the growth of other microbes, eg, penicillin, tetracycline etc.

(b) Antiseptics are the chemicals which can be applied safely to the living tissues to inhibit the growth of microbes or to kill them, eg, dettol.

(c) Antiknocking compounds are the chemicals which reduce knocking for improving the quality ofgasoline. eg, TEL (tetraethyl lead).

(d) Antioxidants are the chemicals which are added to foods to prevent their oxidation eg, BHA (butylated hydroxy anisole).


Which of the following is not true for antibiotics?

  • Tetracycline is one of the broad spectrum antibiotics which are effective against a large number of harmful microorganisms

  • Streptomycin is highly effective against microorganisms which cause tuberculois

  • Penicillin has a narrow spectrum and certain persons are sensitive to it

  • Penicillin may be administered without testing the patients for sensitivity to it


The reagent(s) used in the preparation of aspirin from salicylic acid

  • SOCl2, pyridine

  • (CH3CO)2O, H+

  • CH3CO2H, HCl

  • CH3Cl, AlCl3


Moth repellents are

  • perchloroethane

  • All of these
