A chelating agent has two or more than two donor atoms to bind a

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


In [CO(H2O)6]2+, there are three unpaired electrons present. The μcalculated is 3.87 BM which is quite different from the μexperimental of 4.40 BM. This is because of

  • increase in number of unpaired electrons

  • some contribution of the orbital motion of the electron to the magnetic moment

  • change in orbital spin of the electron

  • d-d transition


Anhydrous mixture of KF and HF contain which types of ions?

  • K+, H+, F-

  • {KF+, (HF-)}

  • KH+, F-

  • K+, HF2-


Magnetic moment of [Ti(H2O)6]4+, [Mn(H2O)6]2+ and [Cr(H2O)6]3+ can be represented as X, Y and Z. They are in order of

  • X < Z < Y

  • Z< Y < X

  • X < Y < Z

  • Z < Y < X



A chelating agent has two or more than two donor atoms to bind a single metal ion. Which of the following is not a chelating agent?

  • Thiosulphato

  • Glycinato

  • Oxalato

  • Ethane-1, 2-diamine



A chelating ligand has two or more binding donor atoms to a single metal ion. For eg, Oxalato, Glycinato and Ethane-1, 2 diamine.

Thiosulphato is not a chelating ligand because geometrically it is not favourable for S2O32- to chelate a metal ion.


The magnetic nature of elements depends on the presence of unpaired electrons. Identify the configuration of transition element, which shows highest magmetic moment

  • 3d7

  • 3d5

  • 3d8

  • 3d2


Which one of the following has a coordinate bond?

  • NH4Cl

  • AlCl3

  • NaCl

  • Cl2


Le-blanc process is employed in the manufacture of

  • baking soda

  • washing soda

  • potash

  • plaster of Paris


The complex ion which has no d-electrons in the central metal atom is

  • [MnO4]-

  • [Co(NH3)6]3+

  • [Fe(CN)6]3-

  • [Cr(H2O)6]3+


Which of the following does not have coordinate bond?

  • SO2

  • HNO3

  • H2SO4

  • HNO2


Which of the following complex will exhibit facial and meridional isomerism?

  • CoNH3Cl3

  • CoNH3Cl2Cl

  • Coen3Cl3

  • K3CoCN4Cl2
