Which among the following equation represents Arrhenius equation?

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Solubility of which among the following solids in water changes slightly with temperature?

  • KNO3

  • NaNO3

  • KBr

  • NaBr



Which among the following equation represents Arrhenius equation?

  • k = AeEa/ RT

  • k = A . eRT/ Ea

  • k = AeEa/ RT

  • k = AeRT/ Ea


k = AeEa/ RT

Variation of rate constant k with temperature T (K) is given by Arrhenius equation. It is based on the two theories of reaction rates, i.e., collision theory and transition state theory

k = Ae-Ea/ RTA-eEa/ RT    ...(i)

where, A = frequency factor or the pre- exponential factor.

Ea is activation energy

e-Ea/ RT is Boltzmann factor

Collectively A and Ea are known as Arrhenius parameters of the reaction.


In the ln K vs 1T plot of a chemical process having S° > 0 and H° < 0, the slope is proportional to (where K is equilibrium constant).

  • -|H°|

  • |H°|

  • -


For the process,

32A → B, at 298 K, G° is 163 kJ mol-1. The composition of the reaction mixture is [B] = 1 and [A] = 10000. Predict the direction of the reaction and the relation between reaction quotient (Q) and the equilibrium constant (K).

  • Forwards direction because Q > K

  • Reverse direction because Q > K

  • Forward direction because Q < K

  • Reverse direction because Q < K


The inert gas found most abundant in the atmosphere is

  • He

  • Ne

  • Ar

  • Kr


Water gas is produced by

  • Passing steam over red hot coke

  • Passing steam and air over red hot.

  • Burning coke is excess air.

  • Burning coke is limited supply of air.


The strongest base among the following is

  • Amide ion

  • Hydroxide ion

  • Trimethylamine

  • Ammonia


The correct descending order of the heat liberated (in kJ) during the neutralisation of the, acids CH3COOH (W), HF (X), HCOOH (Y) and HCN (Z) under identical conditions (Ka of CH3COOH = 1.8 × 10-5, HCOOH =1.8 × 10-10 HCN = 4.9 × 10-10 and HF = 3.2 × 10-4)

  • Y > X > Z > W

  • X > Y > W > Z

  • W > X > Y > Z

  • Z > W > Y > X


How many times a 0.1 M strong monobasic acid solution should be diluted so that pH of the resulting solution is tripled?

  • 50

  • 10

  • 25

  • 100


The equilibrium pressure for the given reaction, is  π/4 atm at 400 K. The Kp for the given reaction (in atm2) is

MSO4.2H2O (s)  MSO4 (s) + 2H2O (g)

  • π2 / 4

  • π / 6

  • π2 / 16

  • π / 16
