1.1 moles of A and 2.2 moles of B are mixed in a container of one

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Which of the following statement is correct?

  • Basic nature increases on increasing pH

  • Basic nature decreases on increasing pH

  • Acidic nature increases on increasing pH

  • None of the above


Which one of the following is conjugate acid of water in the reaction?

H2SO4 + H2 H3O+ + HSO4-

  • H2O

  • H3O+

  • SO42-

  • HSO4-


The product of H+ and OH- of water will be

  • Kw = 10-12

  • Kw = 10-14

  • Kw = 10-11

  • Kw = 10-10


For NaCl, the Ksp = 36mol2 L-2, the molar concentration of it will be  

  • 136M

  • 116 M

  • 36 M

  • 6 M


In the equilibrium reaction 2HI (g)  H2 + I2 which of the following expressions is true?

  • Kp = Kc

  • Kc = 2Kp

  • Kp > Kc

  • Kc = Kp (RT)2


Strongest Bronsted base among the following anions is:

  • ClO-

  • ClO2-

  • ClO3-

  • ClO4-



1.1 moles of A and 2.2 moles of B are mixed in a container of one litre volume to obtain the equilibrium A + 2B  2C + D.

At equilibrium 0.2 moles of C are formed. The equilibrium constant for the above reaction is

  • 0.001

  • 0.002

  • 0.003

  • 0.004



The given reaction is

InitialAt equilibrium Aa mol (1.1 mol)(a - x)  + 2B2b mol (2.2 mol)2 (b - 2x)  2C02x + D0x

At equilibrium 0.2 mol of C formed

 2x = 0.2 mol

 x = 0.1 mol

Mole at equilibrium

(1.1 - 0.1) mol ; (2.2 - 0.2) mol ; 0.2 mol ; 0.1 mol

1 mol                      2 mol            0.2 mol    0.1 mol

Since, volume of container is one litre.

So, active mass of A = 1 mol/ L

active mass of B = 2 mol/ L

active mass of C = 0.2 mol/ L

active mass of D = 0.1 mol/ L

On applying law of mass action

Kc = C2DAB2     = 0.22 × 0.11 × 22Kc = 0.001


In which solution/ solvent the solubility of AgCl is minimum?

  • 0.01 M NaCl

  • 0.01 M CaCl2

  • Pure water

  • 0.001 M AgNO3


Which one of the following salts gives an acidic solution in water?

  • CH3COONa

  • NH4Cl

  • NaCl



Which of the following exhibits highest solubility in water?

  • NH3

  • PH3

  • AsH3

  • SbH3
