For the reaction,CH4  (g) + 2 O2 (g) ⇌ CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l), 

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Equimolar solutions of the following  were prepared in water separately which one of the solutions will record the highest pH? 

  • SrCl2

  • BaCl2

  • MgCl2

  • MgCl2



The dissociation equilibrium  of gas AB2 can be represented as

2AB2 (g) ⇌ 2AB (g) + B2 (g)
The degree of dissociation is 'x' and is small compared to 1. The expression relating the degree of dissociation  (x) with equilibrium constant Kp and total pressure p is 

  • (2Kp / p)

  • (2Kp/p)1/3

  • (2Kp/p)1/2

  • (2Kp/p)1/2



The value of KP1 and Kp2 for the reactions

X ⇌ Y +Z  ... (i)
A ⇌ 2B    ... (ii)

are in the ratio of 9:1. if the degree of dissociation of X and A be equal, then the total pressure at equilibrium (i) and (ii) are in the ratio

  • 3:1

  • 1:9

  • 36:1

  • 36:1



The value of equilibrium constant of the reaction HI (g) ⇌ H2(g)/2 + I2/2 is 8.0
The equilibrium constant of the reaction H2(g) + I2(g) ⇌ 2 HI (g)  will be

  • 1/16

  • 1/64

  • 16

  • 16



Calculate the pOH of a solution at 250C that contains 1 x 10-10 M of hydronium ions.

  • 7

  • 4

  • 9

  • 9


A Weak acid, HA has a Ka of 1.00 x 10-5. If 0.100 mole of this percentage of acid dissociated at equilibrium is closest to:

  • 99.0%

  • 1.00%

  • 99.9 %

  • 99.9 %


The following equilibrium constants are given:

N2 + 3H2  ⇌ 2NH3; K1

N2 +O2  ⇌ 2NO; K2

H2 + 1/2O2  ⇌ H2O' K3

The equilibrium constants for the oxidation of NH3 by oxygen to give NO is:

  • K2K33 /K1

  • KK2K32 /K1

  • K22K3 /K1

  • K22K3 /K1


Identify the correct statement for the change of Gibbs energy for a system (ΔGsystem) at constant temperature and pressure

  • If ΔGsystem > 0, the process is spontaneous

  • If ΔGsystem =0, the system has attained equilibrium

  • If ΔGsystem < 0, the system is still moving in a particular direction

  • If ΔGsystem < 0, the system is still moving in a particular direction



The enthalpy and entropy change for the reaction:

Br2 (l) + Cl2 (g)→ 2BrCl (g)

are 30 kJ mol-1 and 105 JK-1 mol-1 respectively. The temperature at which the reaction will be in equilibrium is:

  • 285.7 K 

  • 273 K

  • 450 K

  • 450 K




For the reaction,

CH4  (g) + 2 O2 (g) ⇌ CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l), 

ΔrH = - 170. 8 kJ mol-1

Which of the following statements is not true? 

  • At equilibrium, the concentrations of CO2 (g) and H2O (l) are not equal

  • The equilibrium constant for the reaction is given by Kpfraction numerator left square bracket CO subscript 2 right square bracket over denominator left square bracket CH subscript 4 right square bracket left square bracket straight O subscript 2 right square bracket end fraction

  • Addition of CH4 (g) or O2 (g) at equilibrium will cause a shift to the right

  • Addition of CH4 (g) or O2 (g) at equilibrium will cause a shift to the right


The equilibrium constant for the reaction is given by Kpfraction numerator left square bracket CO subscript 2 right square bracket over denominator left square bracket CH subscript 4 right square bracket left square bracket straight O subscript 2 right square bracket end fraction

For the reaction,

CH4  (g) + 2 O2 (g) ⇌ CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l), 

ΔrH = - 170. 8 kJ mol-1

This equilibrium is an example of heterogeneous chemical equilibrium.Hence, for it

not correct expression.
In addition of CH4 (g) or O2 (g) at equilibrium Kc = will be decreased according to expression (i) but Kc remains constant at constant  at constant temperature fro a reaction, so for maintaining the constant value of Kc, the concentration of CO2 will increase in same order. Hence, on the addition of CH4 or O2 equilibrium will cause to the right.

This reaction is an example of an exothermic reaction.

