∆H and ∆S for the rreaction,Ag2O(s)&nb

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


At radioactive equilibrium, the ratio between two atoms of radioactive elements A and B is 3.1 x 109 : 1. If the half-life period of A is 2 x 1010 yrs, then the half-life of B is

  • 9.54 yrs

  • 2.14 yrs

  • 3.29 yrs

  • 6.45 yrs


The dissociation equilibrium of a gas AB2 can be represented as

2AB2 (g) 2AB (g) + B2(g)

The degree of dissociation is 'x' and is small compared to 1. The expression relating the degree of dissociation (x) with equilibrium constant KP and total pressure p is

  • 2Kpp

  • 2Kpp13

  • 2Kpp12

  • Kpp


A buffer solution is prepared in which the concentration of NH3 is 0.30 M and the concentration of NH4+ is 0.20 M. If the equilibrium constant, Kb for NH3 equals 1. 8 x 10-5, what is the pH of this solution? (log 2. 7 =0. 43).

  • 9.43

  • 11.72

  • 8.73

  • 9.08


Which of the following is least likely to behave as Lewis base?

  • NH3

  • BF3

  • OH-

  • H2O


For the reaction, N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO (g), the equilibrium constant is K1. The equilibrium constant is K2 for the reaction, 2NO(g) + O2)g)  2NO2(g). What is K for the reaction, NO2(g) 12N2 (g) + O2(g) ?

  • 14K1K2

  • 1K1K212

  • 1K1K2

  • 12K1K2


In an amino acid, the carboxyl group ionises at pKa = 2.34 and ammonium ion at pKa2 = 9.60. The isoelectric point of the amino acid is at pH

  • 4.32

  • 3.34

  • 9.46

  • 5.97


What percentage of β-D-(+-glucopyranose is found at equilibrium in the aqueous solution?

  • 64%

  • 36%

  • 100%

  • 50%



H and S for the rreaction,

Ag2O(s) 2Ag(s) + 12 O2 (g) are 30.56 kJ mol-1 and 66.00 JK-1 mol-1 respectively. The temperature at which the free energy change for the reaction will be zero is

  • 3528 K

  • 463 K

  • 73 K

  • 144 K


463 K

From the Gibb's - Helmholtz equation

G = H - TS

At equilibrium, G = 0

Hence, H - TS = 0 

or, H = TSor, T = HS

Given that, H = 30.56 kJ mol-1 = 30560 J mol-1

S = 66.0 J K-1 mol-1

T = 3056066.0 = 463 K


Ig Ag+ + 2NH3 Ag (NH3)2+ ; K1 = 1.7 x 107

Ag+ Cl-  AgCl; K2 = 5.4 x 109

Then, for AgCl + 2NH3 [Ag(NH3)2]+ + Cl- equilibrium constant will be

  • 0.68 x 10-3

  • 5.2 x 10-17

  • 0.31 x 10-2

  • 3.1 x 10-2


For the following equilibrium (omitting charges)

I. M + Cl  MCl, Keqβ1

II. MCl + Cl MCl2, Keq = β2

III. MCl2 +Cl  MCl3 ,Keq  = β3

IV. M + 3Cl  MCl3 , Keq = K

then relationship between K, β1 , β2 and β3

  • K = β1β2β3

  • log K = log β1 + log β2 + log β3

  • pk = pβ1 + pβ2 + pβ3

  • All of the above
