Which of the following is correct? from Chemistry Equilibrium

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Which of the following is a Lewis acid ?

  • OH-

  • H+

  • F-

  • NH3



Which of the following is correct?

  • The pH of one litre solution containing 0.49 g of H2SO4 is 2.0

  • The conjugate base of H2S is S2-

  • BF3 is a Lewis base

  • Phenolphthalein is colourless in basic medium


The pH of one litre solution containing 0.49 g of H2SO4 is 2.0

w = 0.49 gm

E = 49 

V = 1000 mL

 N =w × 1000E . V = 0.49 × 100049 × 1000 = 0.01N [H+] = 0.01 pH = - log [H+]            = - log (1 × 10-2)            = 2


Which of the following is correct ?

  • Catalyst undergoes permanent chemical change

  • Particle size of solute in true solution is 10-3 m

  • Starch solution is a hydrosol

  • Hydrolysis of liquid ester in the presence of mineral acid is an example of heterogeneous catalysis reactions


What is the equation for the equilibrium constant (Kc) for the following reaction?

12A(g) + 13B(g) T(K) 23C(g)

  • Kc = A12 B13C32

  • Kc = C32A2 B3

  • Kc = C23A12B13

  • Kc = C23A12+B13


A 0.1 aqueous solution of a weak acid is 2% ionised. If the ionic product of water is 1 x 10-4, the [OH-] is

  • 5 x 10-12 M

  • 2 x 10-3 M

  • 1 x 10-14 M

  • None of these


Disperse phase and dispersion medium in butter are respectively

  • solid and liquid

  • liquid and solid

  • liquid and liquid

  • solid and solid


9.2 g N2O4 is heated in a 1L vessel till equilibrium state is established

N2O4 (g)  2NO2 (g)

In equilibrium state 50% Np4 was dissociated, equilibrium constant will be (mol. wt. of N2O4 = 92)

  • 0.1

  • 0.4

  • 0.3

  • 0.2


Solubility product of PbCl2 at 298 K is 1 x 10-6. At this temperature solubility of PbCl2 in mol/L is

  • (1 x 10-6)1/2

  • (1 x 10-6)1/3

  • (0.25 x 10-6)1/3

  • (2.5 x 10-6)1/2


Which of the following is the electron deficient molecule?

  • B2H6

  • C2H6

  • PH3

  • SiH4


Equilibrium constants K1 and K2 for the following equilibria
NO (g) + 12O2  K1 NO2(g) and

2NO2(g) K2 2NO (g) + O2(g)

are related as

  • K2 = 1 K1

  • K2 = K12

  • K2 = K12

  • K2 =1K12
