Which one of the following is not expected to undergo iodoform re

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The chelating ligand used to remove excess of copper and iron in chelate therapy is

  • D-penicillamine

  • oxalate ion

  • EDTA

  • ethylenediamine


The correct decreasing order of reactivity for a given alkyl (R) group in both SN1 and SN2 reaction mechanisms is

  • R - I > R - Br > R - Cl > R - F

  • R - I > R - Cl > R - Br > R - F

  • R - F > R - Cl > R - Br > R - I

  • R - F > R - I > R - Cl > R - Br


Chloroform reacts with oxygen in the presence of light to give

  • carbon tetrachloride

  • carbonyl chloride

  • methyl chloride

  • acetaldehyde



Which one of the following is not expected to undergo iodoform reaction?

  • Propan-2-ol

  • Diphenyl methanol

  • 1-phenylethanol

  • 2-butanol


Diphenyl methanol

Compounds having methyl ketone (-COCH3) group or 2° alcohol group (CH3-CH(OH)-) or ethanol when treated with iodine in the presence of alkali gives yellow coloured iodoform and this reaction is known as iodoform test.

The structures of the given compounds are-

Thus, on arranging the given options, only diphenyl methanol does not give iodoform reaction.


Which one of the following halogen compounds is difficult to be hydrolysed by SN1 mechanism?

  • Tertiary butyl chloride

  • lsopropyl chloride

  • Benzyl chloride

  • Chlorobenzene


Which one of the following is not an allylic halide?

  • 4-bromopent-2-ene

  • 3-bromo-2-methylbut-1-ene

  • 1-bromobut-2-ene

  • 4-bromobyt-1-ene


Excess of copper in toxic proportions in plants/animals can be removed by chelating with

  • EDTA

  • ethane-1,2-diamine

  • oxalate ion

  • D-pencillamine


Which will undergo SN2 reaction fastest among the following halogen compounds?

  • CH3CH2F

  • CH3CH2Cl

  • CH3CH2Br

  • CH3CH2I


The alkyl halide that undergoes SN1 reaction more readily is

  • t-butyl bromide

  • n-propyl bromide

  • vinyl bromide

  • isopropyl bromide


An alkyl halide (R X) reacts with Na to form 4, 5-diethyloctane. Compound R X is

  • CH3(CH2)3Br

  • CH3(CH2)2CH(Br)CH2CH3

  • CH3(CH2)3CH(Br)CH3

  • CH3(CH2)5Br
