The ease of nitration of the following three hydrocarbons follows

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1,4-dimethylbenzene on heating with anhydrous AlCl3 and HCl produces

  • 1, 2-dimethylbenzene

  • 1, 3-dimethylbenzene

  • 1, 2, 3-trimethylbenzene

  • ethylbenzene


In 2-butene, which one of the following statements is true?

  • C1-C2 bond is sp3-sp3 -σ-bond

  • C2-C3 bond is sp3-sp2 -σ-bond

  • C1-C2 bond is an sp3-sp2 -σ-bond

  • C1-C2 bond is an sp2-sp2 -σ-bond


The stability of Me2C=CH2 is more than that of MeCH2CH=CH2 due to:

  • inductive effect of the Me groups

  • resonance effect of the Me groups

  • hyperconjugation effect of the Me groups

  • resonance as well as the inductive effect of the Me groups


Friedel-Craft's reaction using MeCl and anhydrous AlCl3 will take place most efficiently with:

  • benzene

  • nitrobenzene

  • acetophenone

  • toluene


The 4th higher homologue of ethane is

  • butane

  • pentane

  • hexane

  • heptane



The ease of nitration of the following three hydrocarbons follows the order:

  • II = III = I

  • II > III > I

  • III > II > I

  • I = III > II


II > III > I

The ease of nitration of the hydrocarbons depends upon the stability of arenium ion formed.

In compound II, the carbonium ion has two methyl groups (with +I effect) capable of partially neutralising the positive charges on the ring carbon atoms. In compound I and II, only one methyl group can act in this way. Moreover, in compound III two methyl groups have +I effet, whereas in compound I only one methyl group with +I effect is present. Thus, the stability of arelium ion and ease of nitration follows the order,

II > III > I


Among the alkenes which one produces tertiary butyl alcohol on acid hydration?

  • CH3-CH2-CH=CH2

  • CH3-CH=CH-CH3

  • (CH3)2C=CH2

  • CH3-CH=CH2


The most likely protonation site in the following molecule is

  • C-1

  • C-2

  • C-3

  • C-6


The structure of isobutyl group in an organic compound is

  • C2H6-CH-CH2-

  • CH3-CH|-CH2-CH3

  • CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-

  • CH3-C(C2H6)-


Nitrobenzene on reaction with conc. HNO3/H2SO4 at 80-100°C forms which one of the following products?

  • 1, 2-dinitrobenzene

  • 1, 3-dinitrobenzene

  • 1, 4-dinitrobenzene

  • 1, 2, 4-trinitrobenzene
