Ratio of loss in solvent to gain in CaCl2 tube is from Chemistry

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Which of the following is not a colligative property?

  • Elevation in boiling point

  • Lowering of vapour pressure

  • Osmotic pressure

  • Freezing point


34.2 g of cane sugar is dissolved in 180 g of water. The relative lowering of vapour pressure will be

  • 0.0099

  • 1.1597

  • 0.840

  • 0.9901


According to Hess's law, the heat of reaction depends upon

  • initial condition of reactants

  • initial and final conditions of reactants

  • intermediate path of the reaction

  • end conditions of reactants



Ratio of loss in solvent to gain in CaCl2 tube is

  • p°p

  • pp°

  • p° - pp°

  • p - p°p


p° - pp°

 Loss in the weight of solvent = p° - p

    Gain in the weight of CaCl2 tube = p°

 Loss in the weight of solventGain in the weight of CaCl2 tube = p° - pp°


Dissolution of 1.5 g of a non-volatile solute (mol. wt. = 60) in 250 g of a solvent reduces its freezing point by 0.01 °C. Find the molal depression constant of the solvent.

  • 0.01

  • 0.001

  • 0.0001

  • 0.1


Which of the following dissolves in ionic solvents?

  • C6H6

  • CH3OH

  • CCl4

  • C5H12


If M, W and V represent molar mass of solute, then mass of solute and volume of solution in litres respectively, which among following equations is true?

  • π = MWRTV

  • π = TMRWV

  • π = TWRVM

  • π = TRVWM


Which of the following compounds has highest boiling point?

  • Propan-1-ol

  • n-butane

  • Chloroethane

  • Propanal


van't Hoff factor of centimolal solution of K3[Fe(CN)6] is 3.333. Calculate the per cent dissociation of K3[Fe(CN)6].

  • 33.33

  • 0.78

  • 78

  • 23.33


The osmotic pressure of solution containing 34.2 g of cane sugar (molar mass = 342 g mol-1) in 1 L of solution at 20°C is (Given R = 0.082 L atm K-1 mol-1)

  • 2.40 atm

  • 3.6 atm

  • 24 atm

  • 0.0024 atm
