Which among the following gases can be liquified easily

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Which among the following gases can be liquified easily?

  • Chlorine

  • Nitrogen

  • Oxygen

  • Hydrogen



A gas can be liquified when its temperature is below critical temperature, by cooling or compressing it. Gases which have high critical temperatures (such as Cl2, NH3, CO2, SO2 etc.,) can be liquified by applying a suitable pressure alone. Permanent gases (such as H2, N2, O2 etc.) cannot be liquified by the action of pressure and cooling.


If average velocity of a sample of gas molecules at 300 K is 5 cm s-1, what is RMS velocity of same sample of gas molecules at the same temperature? (Given, α: u: v = 1:1.224: 1.127)

  • 6.112 cm/s

  • 4.605 cm/s

  • 4.085 cm/s

  • 5.430 cm/s


Two closed bulbs of equal volume (V) containing an ideal gas initially at pressure pi and temperature T1 are connected through a narrow tube of negligible volume as shown in the figure below. The temperature of one of the bulbs is then raised to T2. The final pressure pf is:

  • 2 straight p subscript straight i open parentheses fraction numerator straight T subscript 1 over denominator straight T subscript 1 plus straight T subscript 2 end fraction close parentheses
  • 2 straight p subscript straight i open parentheses fraction numerator straight T subscript 2 over denominator straight T subscript 1 plus straight T subscript 2 end fraction close parentheses
  • 2 straight p subscript straight i space open parentheses fraction numerator straight T subscript 1 straight T subscript 2 over denominator straight T subscript 1 plus straight T subscript 2 end fraction close parentheses
  • 2 straight p subscript straight i space open parentheses fraction numerator straight T subscript 1 straight T subscript 2 over denominator straight T subscript 1 plus straight T subscript 2 end fraction close parentheses


The intermolecular interaction that is dependent on the inverse cube of the distance between the molecule is:

  • ion-ion interaction

  • ion-dipole interaction

  • London force

  • London force



If Z is a compressibility factor, Vander Waal's equation at low pressure can be written as 

  • straight Z space equals 1 plus RT over pb
  • straight Z space equals space 1 minus straight a over VRT
  • straight Z space equals space 1 minus pb over RT
  • straight Z space equals space 1 minus pb over RT


For the gaseous state, if most probable speed is denoted by C*, average speed by C and mean square speed by C, then for a large number of molecules the ratios of these speeds are:

  • straight C asterisk times colon stack space straight C with bar on top space colon thin space straight C space equals space 1.225 space colon 1.128 space space colon 1
  • straight C to the power of asterisk times space colon thin space straight C with bar on top space colon space straight C space equals space 1.128 space colon thin space 1.225 space colon space 1
  • straight C to the power of asterisk times space colon thin space straight C with bar on top space colon space straight C space equals space 1.28 space colon thin space 1.225 space colon space
  • straight C to the power of asterisk times space colon thin space straight C with bar on top space colon space straight C space equals space 1.28 space colon thin space 1.225 space colon space


The compressibility factor for a real gas at high pressure is

  • 1 plus RT over pb
  • 1
  • 1 plus pb over RT
  • 1 plus pb over RT


'a' and 'b' are van der Waals constants for gases. Chlorine is more easily liquefied than ethane because :

  • a and b for Cl2 > a and b for C2H6

  • a and b for Cl2 < a and b for C2H6

  • a and Cl2 < a for C2H6 but b for Cl2 > b for C2H6

  • a and Cl2 < a for C2H6 but b for Cl2 > b for C2H6



If 10–4 dm3 of water is introduced into a 1.0 dm3 flask at 300 K, how many moles of water are in the vapour phase when equilibrium is established?(Given: Vapour pressure of H2O at 300 K is 3170 Pa; R = 8.314 J K–1 mol–1)

  • 5.56 x 10-3 mol

  • 1.53 x 10-2 mol

  • 4.46 x 10-2 mol

  • 4.46 x 10-2 mol



Assuming that water vapour is an ideal gas, the internal energy change(∆U) when 1 mol of water is vapourised at 1 bar pressure and 100°C, (Given: Molar enthalpy of vapourisation of water at 1 bar and 373 K = 41 kJ mol-1 and R = 8.3 J mol–1K–1 will be) –

  • 4.100 kJ mol–1

  • 3.7904 kJ mol–1

  • 37.904 kJ mol–1

  • 37.904 kJ mol–1

