Np93239 is a β- emitter, but the product

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The element Th90232 belongs to thorium series. Which of the following will act as the end product of the series?

  • 82Pb208

  • 82Bi209

  • 82Pb206

  • 82Pb207


If radius of first Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom is 'x', then the de-Broglie wavelength of electron in 3rd orbit is nearly

  • 2πx

  • 6πx

  • 9x

  • x/3


Which of the following notations shows the product incorrectly?

  • B510 (α, n) N713

  • Cm96242 (α, 2n) Bk97243

  • N714 (n, p) C614

  • Si1428 (d, y) P1530


Quantum numbers l = 2 and m= 0 represent the orbital

  • dxy

  • dx2-y2

  • dz2

  • dxz


The wavelength of associated wave of a particle moving with a speed of one-tenth that of light is 7Å. The particle must be

  • electron

  • proton

  • nanoparticle

  • photon


Which mathematical statement did not prove false?

  • E= hv

  • R=me48ε02h3c

  • R=n12n22v(n12-n22)c

  • mvr= nh2π



Np93239 is a β- emitter, but the product is also radioactive and give 235U. Which particles(s) is/ are emitted by the product?

  • 4 neutrons

  • 4 protons

  • 4 protons and 2electrons

  • 2 neutrons and 2 protons


2 neutrons and 2 protons

On emission of a β  from the nucleus, the new element formed possesses the same atomic mass but nuclear charge or atomic number is increased by one unit over the parent element followmg reaction takes place.

     Np93239 -β Z94239

Number of protons in U-235 = 92

Product has an atomic number two units less than Z94239 and a mass number four units less than Z94239.

Hence, Z emits an alpha (α)  particle which contain 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

 Z94239 -(2p and 2n)-α U23592


For a f-orbital, the values of m are

  • -1, 0, +1

  • 0, +1, +2, +3

  • -2, -1, 0, +1, +2

  • -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3


A radio isotope will not emit

  • gamma and alpha rays simultaneously

  • gamma rays only

  • alpha and beta rays simultaneously

  • beta and gamma rays simultaneously


A lone pair of electrons in an atom implies

  • a pair of valence electrons not involved in bonding

  • a pair of electrons involved in bonding

  • a pair of electrons

  • a pair of valence electrons
