If a ball is thrown vertically upwards and the height 's' reached

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P is the point of contact of the tangent form the origin to the curve y = loge(x). The length of the perpendicular drawn form the origin to the normal at P is

  • 12e

  • 1e

  • 2e2 + 1

  • e2 +1


For the curve 4x5 = 5y4, the ratio of the cube of the subtangent at a point on the curve the square of the subnormal at the same point is

  • 445

  • 544

  • 4454

  • 544


The set of real values of x for which f(x) = xlogx is increasing is

  • x :x  e

  • empty

  • {x : x < e}

  • {1}


A sphere increases its volume at the rate of π cc/s. The rate at which its surface area increases when the radius is 1 cm is

  • 2π sq cm/s

  • π sq cm/s

  • 3π2 sq cm/s

  • π2 sq cm/s



If a ball is thrown vertically upwards and the height 's' reached in time 't' is given by s = 22t - 11t2, then the total distance travelled by the ball is

  • 44 units

  • 33 units

  • 11 units

  • 22 units


11 units

Given, s = 22t - 11t2    ...iOn differentiating Eq. (i) w.r.t. time (t), we getdsdt = 22 - 11 . 2t        ...iiFor maximum, dsdt must be equal to zero.           dsdt = 0 22 - 22t = 0              t = 1On differentiating Eq. (i) w.r.t. t, we get            d2sdt2 = - 22For t = 1, s is maximumand the maximum value = 22 × 1 - 1112                                      = 22 - 11 = 11Hence, total distance travelled by the ball is 11 units.


The sum of two positive numbers is given. If the sum of their cubes is minimum, then

  • they are equal

  • one is twice the other

  • they are unequal

  • one is thrice the other


The perimeter of a sectoris a constant. Ifits area is to be maximum, then the sectorial angle is

  • πc6

  • πc4

  • 4c

  • 2c


The tangent to the curve xy = 25 at any point on it cuts the coordinate axes at A and B, then the area of the OAB is

  • 50 sq units

  • 25 sq units

  • 75 sq units

  • 100 sq units


The length of the subtangent, ordinate and the subnormal are in

  • AP

  • HP

  • GP

  • Arithmetico-geometric progression


The maximum value of xe-x is

  • e

  • 1e

  • - e

  • 1e
