Let I be the purchase value of an equipment and V(t) be the valu

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The area (in square units) bounded by the curves y = straight y space equals space square root of straight x comma 2y-x+3 =0, X -axis and lying in the first quadrant is 

  • 9

  • 36

  • 18

  • 18



The intercepts on X- axis made by tangents to the curve, straight y space equals space integral subscript 0 superscript straight x vertical line straight t vertical line space dt comma space straight x space straight epsilon space straight R which are parallel to the line y =2x, are equal to

  • ±1

  • ±2

  • ±3

  • ±3




Let I be the purchase value of an equipment and V(t) be the value after it has been used for t years. The value V(t) depreciates at a rate given by differential equationd V(t)/dt = - k(T - t), where k > 0 is a constant and T is the total life in years of the equipment. Then the scrap value V(T) of the equipment is

  • straight T squared minus 1 over straight k
  • straight I space minus KT squared over 2
  • straight I space minus space kT squared over 2
  • straight I space minus space kT squared over 2


straight I space minus KT squared over 2
fraction numerator dv left parenthesis straight t right parenthesis over denominator dt end fraction space equals space straight k space left parenthesis straight T minus straight t right parenthesis
integral dv left parenthesis straight t right parenthesis space equals space integral left parenthesis negative kT right parenthesis dt space plus integral ktdt
straight V left parenthesis straight t right parenthesis space equals space minus space kTt space plus space straight k straight t squared over 2 space plus straight C
at space straight t space equals space 0 space space straight C space equals space straight I
straight V left parenthesis straight T right parenthesis space equals space minus space kTt space plus space kT squared over 2 plus straight I
Now space at space straight t space equals straight T
straight V left parenthesis straight T right parenthesis space equals space minus space kT squared space plus straight k space straight T squared over 2 plus straight I
straight V space left parenthesis straight T right parenthesis space equals space straight I minus 1 half kT squared


For x ∈, (0, 5π/2) define f(x). Then f (x) = integral subscript 0 superscript straight x space square root of straight t space sin space straight t space dt has

  • local maximum at π and 2π.

  • local minimum at π and 2π

  • local minimum at π and the local maximum at 2π.

  • local minimum at π and the local maximum at 2π.



The area of the region enclosed by the curves y = x, x = e, y =1/x and the positive x-axis is

  • 1/2 square units

  • 1 square units

  • 3/2 square units

  • 3/2 square units



The area bounded by the curve y = cos x and y = sin x between the ordinates x = 0 and x = 3π/2 is 

  • left parenthesis 4 minus square root of 2 minus 2 right parenthesis space sq space units
  • left parenthesis 4 minus square root of 2 plus 2 right parenthesis space sq space units
  • left parenthesis 4 minus square root of 2 minus 1 right parenthesis space sq space units
  • left parenthesis 4 minus square root of 2 minus 1 right parenthesis space sq space units


Solution of the differential equation
cos x dy = y (sin x - y) dx, 0 < x < π/2, is 

  • sec x = (tan x + C ) y 

  •  y sec x = tan x + C

  •  y tan x = sec x + C 

  •  y tan x = sec x + C 



The area (in sq. units) of the region
{(x, y} : x  ≥ 0, x + y ≤ 3, x2 ≥ 4y and y ≤ 1 +√x}

  • 5/2

  • 59/12

  • 3/2

  • 3/2



The area of the region bounded by the parabola (y – 2)2 = x – 1, the tangent to the parabola at the point (2, 3) and the x-axis is 

  • 3

  • 6

  • 9

  • 9



The area of the plane region bounded by the curves x + 2y2= 0 and x + 3y2= 1 is equal to 

  • 5/3

  • 1/3

  • 2/3

  • 2/3

