If m is the AMN of two distinct real numbers l and n (l,n>1)

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The number of integers greater than 6000 that can be formed, using the digits 3,5,6,7 and 8 without repetition, is

  • 216

  • 192

  • 120

  • 120




If m is the AMN of two distinct real numbers l and n (l,n>1) and G1, G2, and G3 are three geometric means between l and n, then straight G subscript 1 superscript 4 space plus 2 straight G subscript 2 superscript 4 space plus space straight G subscript 3 superscript 4 equals

  • 4l2 mn

  • 4lm2n

  • 4 lmn2

  • 4 lmn2



m is the AM of and n

l +n = 2m

and G1, G2, G3, n are in GP
Let r be the common ratio of this GP
G1 = lr
G2 =lr2
G3= lr3
n = lr4

rightwards double arrow space straight r space equals space open parentheses straight n over l close parentheses to the power of 1 divided by 4 end exponent
Now comma space straight G subscript 1 superscript 4 space plus space 2 straight G subscript 2 superscript 4 space plus space straight G subscript 3 superscript 4 space equals left parenthesis l straight r right parenthesis to the power of 4 space plus space left parenthesis l straight r squared right parenthesis to the power of 4 space plus space left parenthesis l straight r cubed right parenthesis to the power of 4
space equals space straight l to the power of 4 space straight x space straight r to the power of 4 left parenthesis 1 plus 2 straight r to the power of 4 plus straight r to the power of 8 right parenthesis
equals space straight l to the power of 4 space straight x space straight r to the power of 4 space left parenthesis straight r to the power of 4 space plus 1 right parenthesis squared
equals space straight l to the power of 4 space straight x space straight n over straight l open parentheses fraction numerator n italic plus italic 1 over denominator l end fraction close parentheses
equals space l n italic space x italic 4 m to the power of italic 2 italic space italic equals italic space italic 4 l m to the power of italic 2 n



How many different words can be formed by jumbling the letters in the word MISSISSIPPI in which no two S are adjacent?

  • 8 . 6C4 . 7C4

  • 6 . 7 . 8C4

  • 6 . 8 . 7C4

  • 6 . 8 . 7C4



The set S: {1, 2, 3, …, 12} is to be partitioned into three sets A, B, C of equal size. Thus, A ∪ B ∪ C = S, A ∩ B = B ∩ C = A ∩ C = φ. The number of ways to partition S is-

  • 12!/3!(4!)3

  • 12!/3!(3!)4

  • 12!/(4!)3

  • 12!/(4!)3



The value  of straight C presuperscript 50 subscript 4 space plus sum from straight r space equals 1 to 6 of straight C presuperscript 56 minus straight r end presuperscript subscript 3 space is

  • straight C presuperscript 55 subscript 4
  • straight C presuperscript 55 subscript 3
  • straight C presuperscript 56 subscript 3
  • straight C presuperscript 56 subscript 3


How many ways are there to arrange the letters in the word GARDEN with the vowels in alphabetical order?

  • 120

  • 480

  • 360

  • 360



The number of ways of distributing 8 identical balls in 3 distinct boxes so that none of the boxes is empty is

  • 5

  • 8C3
  • 38

  • 38



The number of all numbers having 5 digits, with distinct digits is

  • 99999

  • 9 × P49

  • P510

  • P49


The greatest integer which divides (p + 1) (p + 2) (p + 3) .... (p + q) for all p E N and fixed q  N is

  • p!

  • q!

  • p

  • q


Let 1 +x + x29 = a0 +a1x +a2x2 +... + a18x18. Then,

  • a0 +a2 +... +a18 = a0 +a3 + ... + a17

  • a0 + a2 +... + a18 is even

  • a0 + a2 +... + a18 is divisible by 9

  • a0 + a2 +... + a18 is divisible by 3 but not by 9
