The coercivity of a small magnet where the ferromagnet gets dema

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When 5V potential difference is applied across a wire of length 0.1 m, the drift speed of electrons is 2.5 × 10–4 ms–1. If the electron density in the wire is 8 × 1028 m–3, the resistivity of the material is close to:

  • 1.6 x 10-8Ωm

  • 1.6 x 10-7Ωm

  • 1.6 x 10-6Ωm

  • 1.6 x 10-6Ωm



In the circuit shown, the current in the 1Ω resistor is:

  • 1.3 A from P to Q

  • 0 A

  • 0.13 A, from Q to P

  • 0.13 A, from P to Q



Two long current carrying thin wires, both with current I, are held by insulating threads of length L and are in equilibrium as shown in the figure, with threads making an angle ‘θ’ with the vertical. If wires have mass λ per unit length then the value of I is: (g = gravitational acceleration)

  • sin space straight theta space square root of fraction numerator πλgL over denominator straight mu subscript straight theta cos space straight theta end fraction end root
  • 2 space sin space straight theta space square root of fraction numerator πλgL over denominator straight mu subscript straight theta cos space straight theta end fraction end root
  • 2 square root of πgL over straight mu subscript 0 tanθ end root
  • 2 square root of πgL over straight mu subscript 0 tanθ end root


An inductor (L = 0.03 H) and a resistor (R = 0.15 kΩ) are connected in series to a battery of 15V EMF in a circuit shown. The key K1 has been kept closed for a long time. Then at t = 0, K1 is opened and key K2 is closed simultaneously. At t = 1 ms, the current in the circuit will be:
(straight e to the power of 5 space approximately equal to space 150)

  • 100 mA

  • 67 mA

  • 6.7 mA

  • 6.7 mA



The current voltage relation of the diode is given by I = e(1000V/T-1) mA, where the applied voltage V is in volt and the temperature T is in kelvin. If a student makes an error measuring ± 0.01V while measuring the current of 5mA at 300K, what will be the error in the value of current in mA?

  • 0.2 mA

  • 0.02 mA

  • 05 mA

  • 05 mA




The coercivity of a small magnet where the ferromagnet gets demagnetized is 3 x 103Am-1.The current required to be passed in a solenoid of length 10 cm and number of turns 100, so that the magnet gets demagnetized when inside the solenoid, is

  • 30 mA

  • 60 mA

  • 3 A

  • 3 A


3 A

For solenoid, the magnetic field needed to be magnetised the magnet,
B =μonl
Where, n = 100
l = 10 cm = 10/100 m  = 0.1m



In the circuit shown here, the point C is kept connected to point A till the current flowing through the circuit becomes constant. Afterwards, suddenly point C is disconnected from point A and connected to point B at time t= 0. Ratio of the voltage across resistance and the inductor at t = L/R will be equal to 

  • fraction numerator straight e over denominator 1 minus straight e end fraction
  • 1

  • -1

  • -1



The supply voltage to a room is 120 V. The resistance of the lead wires is 6 Ω. A 60 W bulb is already switched on. What is the decrease of voltage across the bulb, when a 240 W heater is switched on in parallel to the bulb?

  • zero

  • 2.9V

  • 13.3 V

  • 13.3 V



This question has statement I and statement II. Of the four choices given after the statements, choose the one that best describes the two statements.
Statement- I: Higher the range, greater is the resistance of ammeter.
Statement- II: To increase the range of ammeter, additional shunt needs to be used across it.

  • Statement – I is true, Statement – II is true, Statement – II is the correct explanation of statement- I.

  • Statement – I is true, Statement – II is true, Statement – II is not the correct explanation of Statement–I.

  • Statement – I is true, statement – II is false.

  • Statement – I is true, statement – II is false.



The magnetic field in a travelling electromagnetic wave has a peak value of 20 nT. The peak value of electric field strength is :

  • 3 V/m

  • 6 V/m

  • 9 V/m

  • 9 V/m

