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An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 45.5 volt. The velocity acquired by it is (in ms-1)

  • 106

  • zero

  • 4 × 106

  • 4 × 104


A spherical drop of capacitance 1 μF is broken into eight drops of equal radius. Then, the capacitance of each small drop is

  • 12 μF

  • 14 μF

  • 18 μF

  • 8 μF


An uncharged sphere of metal is placed inside a charged parallel plate capacitor. The lines of force will look like


Effective capacitance between A and B in the figure shown is (all capacitances are in µF)


  • 314 μF

  • 143 μF

  • 21 μF

  • 23 μF


An air filled parallel plate condenser has a capacity of 2 pF. The separation of the plates is doubled and the interspace between the plates is filled with wax. If the capacity is increased to 6 pF, the dielectric constant of wax is

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 6


A parallel plate air capacitor has a capacitance C. When it is half filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant 5, the percentage increase in the capacitance will be 

  • 400 %

  • 66.6 %

  • 33.3 %

  • 200 %


A gang capacitor is formed by interlocking a number of plates as shown in figure. The distance between the consecutive plates is 0.885 cm and the overlapping area of the plates is 5 cm. The capacity of the unit is


  • 1.06 pF

  • 4 pF

  • 6.36 pF

  • 12.72 pF


Two identical capacitors each of capacitance 5 µF are charged to potentials 2 kV and 1 kV respectively. Their -ve ends are connected together. When the +ve ends are also connected together, the loss of energy of the system is

  • 160 J

  • zero

  • 5 J

  • 1.25 J


A parallel plate capacitor with air as the dielectric has capacitance C. A slab of dielectric constant K and having the same thickness as the separation between the plates is introduced so as to fill one-fourth of the capacitor as shown in the figure. The new capacitance will be


  • K + 3 C4

  • K + 2 C4

  • K + 1 C4

  • KC4



The potential of a large liquid drop when eight liquid drops are combined is 20 V. Then the potential of each single drop was

  • 10 V

  • 7.5 V

  • 5 V

  • 2.5 V


5 V

Volume of 8 drops = volume of big drop

  43 πr3 × 8 = 43 πR3                   2r = R                              ...... (i)

According to charge conservation

                   8q = Q                       ...... (ii)

Potential of one small drop (V') = q4πεorSimilarly, potential of big group (V) = Q4πε0RNow, V'V = qQ + Rr    V'20 = q8q × 2rr    [from Eqs. (i) and (ii)]       V' = 5 volt
