The angle to which a cyclist bends when he covers a circular path

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A block of mass 2 kg is kept on the floor. The coefficient of static friction is 0.4. If a force F of 2.5 N is applied on the block as shown in the figure, the frictional force between the block and the floor will be

  • 2.5 N

  • 5 N

  • 7.84 N

  • 10 N


The minimum velocity (in ms-1) with which a car driver must traverse a flat curve of radius 150 m and coefficient of friction to avoid skidding is

  • 60

  • 30

  • 15

  • 25


A body of mass 3 kg is acted on by a force which varies as shown in the graph. The momentum acquired is given by


  • zero

  • 5 N-s

  • 30 N-s

  • 50 N-s


A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of mass M as shown in the figure. The force on the pulley by the clamp is given by


  • 2 Mg

  • 2 mg

  • M+ m2 + m2g

  • M + m2 + M2 g


A body of mass 5 kg moves on a straight path as a function of time x = t3 − 12t. The force on the body at t = 5s will be

  • 100 N

  • 150 N

  • 120 N

  • 130 N


n balls each of mass m impinge elastically each second on a surface with velocity v. The average force experienced by the surface will be

  • 2nmv

  • nmv

  • nmv2

  • 4nmv



The angle to which a cyclist bends when he covers a circular path of 34.3 m in 22 s is

  • 20°

  • 30°

  • 60°

  • 45°



Here,      l = 2πr          r = l2π  = 34.33.14 × 2Also       v = lt = 34.322The minimum velocity of a cyclist on a circular path is               v = rg tan θ    tan θ = v2rg = 34.3 × 34.322 × 3.14 × 234.3 × 9.8    tan θ = 1 = tan 45°So,         θ = 45°


A gun of mass M fires a bullet of mass m with velocity v. Then, the recoil speed of the gun will be

  • -mMv

  • 2mMv

  • Mmv

  • 2Mmv


If the coefficient of static friction between the tyres and road is 0.5, what is the shortest distance in which an automobile can be stopped when travelling at 72 kmh-1 ?

  • 50 m

  • 60 m

  • 40.8 m

  • 80.16 m


The upper half of an inclined plane with inclination ϕ is perfectly smooth, while the lower half is rough. A body starting from rest at the top will again come to rest at the bottom, if the coefficient of friction for the lower half is given by

  • 2 sin ϕ

  • 2 cos ϕ

  • 2 tan ϕ

  • tan ϕ
