Important Questions of Mechanical Properties of Solids Physics | Zigya

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A 4 m long copper wire of cross-sectional area 1.2 cm2 is stretched by a force of 4.8 x 103 N. Young's modulus for copper is Y = 1.2 x 1011 N/m2, the increase in length of the wire is

  • 1.32 mm

  • 0.8 mm

  • 0.48 mm

  • 5.36 mm


A wire of length L and cross-sectional area A is made of a material of Young's modulus Y. It is stretched by an amount x. The work done is

  • YxA2L

  • Yx2AL

  • Yx2A2L

  • 2Yx2AL


The force of cohesion is

  • maximum in solids

  • maximum in liquids

  • maximum in gases

  • same in solid, liquid and gas


The manifestation of band structure in solids is due to

  • Heisenberg's uncertainly principle

  • Pauli's exclusion principle

  • Bob's correspondence principle

  • Boltzmann's law


When a force F is applied on a wire oflength L and radius r, extension produce is l. If same force F is applied on the same material wire of length 2 L and radius 2r, then extension will be

  • l

  • 2l

  • l/2

  • 4l


Energy stored in the unit volume of a wire due to its elasticity is 

  • 12 (force × strain)

  • 12 stress × strain

  • stress/strain

  • force/strain


Which of the following has maximum property of elasticity?

  • Rubber

  • Lead

  • Wood

  • Steel


Copper has face centred cubic (fcc) lattice with interatomic spacing equals to 2.54 A. The value of lattice constant for this lattice is

  • 3.59 A

  • 2.54 A

  • 1.27 A

  • 5.08 A


A copper wire and a steel wire of the same diameter and length are connected end to end and a force is applied which stretches their combined length by 1 cm. Then the two wires will have

  • the same stress and strain

  • the same stress but different strain

  • the same strain but different stress

  • different stress and strain


A solid sphere of radius r made of a material of bulk modulus K is surrounded by a liquid in cyliridrical container. The massless piston of area A floats on the surface of the liquid. If a mass m is placed on a piston to compress the liquid, then the fractional change in the radius of the sphere will be

  • mgAK

  • 2mgAK

  • 3mgAK

  • mg3AK
