Young's modulus of perfectly rigid body material is from Physics

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A work of 2 x 10-2 J is done on a wire of length 50 cm and area of cross-section 0.5 mm2. If the Young's modulus of the matenal of the wire is 2 × 1010 Nm-2, then the wire must be

  • elongated to 50.1414 cm

  • contracted by 2.0 mm

  • stretched by 0.707 mm

  • of length changed to 49.293 cm


In a cubic unit cell of bcc structure, the lattic points (i.e., number of atoms) are

  • 2

  • 6

  • 8

  • 12


The modulus of elasticity is dimensionally equivalent to

  • strain

  • force

  • stress

  • coefficient of viscosity


A wire of length L and area of cross-section A is stretched through a distance x metre by applying a force F along length, then the work done in this process is : (Y is Young's modulus of the material)

  • 12 A . L YxL xL

  • A . L YL xL

  • 2 A . L YL xL

  • 3 A . L YL xL


A uniform plank of Young's modulus Y is moved over a smooth horizontal surface by a constant horizontal force F. The area of cross-section of the plank is A. The compressive strain on the plank in the direction of the force is

  • FAY

  • 2FAY

  • 12FAY

  • 3FAY



Young's modulus of perfectly rigid body material is

  • infinite

  • zero

  • 10 × 1010 / m2

  • 1 × 1010 N/m2



Young's modulus of a material is given by

                     Y = F × LA × L

where  F → applied force

          A → area of cross-section

          L → initial length

        ΔL → change in length

For a perfectly rigid body

        ΔL = 0

∴        Y = ∞           (infinite)      


Which one of the following is not a unit of Young's modulus?

  • Nm-1

  • Nm-2

  • dyne cm-2

  • Mega pascal


Which of the following substances has the highest elasticity ?

  • Sponge

  • Steel

  • Rubber

  • Copper


The following four wires of length L and radius r are made of the same material. Which of these will have the largest extension,when the same tension is applied ?

  • L = 1000 cm, r = 0.2 mm

  • L = 2000 cm, r = 0.4 mm

  • L = 3000 cm, r = 0.6 mm

  • L = 4000 cm, r = 0.8 mm


The ratio of hydraulic stress to the corresponding strain is known as

  • Young's modulus

  • compressibility

  • Rigidity modulus

  • Bulk's modulus
