The Bulk modulus for an incompressible liquid is from Physics Me

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The maximum number of possible interference maxima for slit-separation equal to twice the wavelength in Young's double slit experiment is

  • infinite

  • five

  • three

  • zero


A wire can be broken by applying load of 200 N. The force required to break another wire of the same length and same material, but double in diameter is

  • 200 N

  • 400 N

  • 600 N

  • 800 N


A cube of side 40 mm has its upper face displaced by 0.1 mm by a tangential force of 8 kN. The shearing modulus of cube is

  • 2 × 109 Nm-2

  • 4 × 109 Nm-2 

  • 8 × 109 Nm-2

  • 16 × 109 Nm-2


If Young's double slit experiment is performed i water instead of air, then

  • no fringes would be seen

  • fringe width would decrease

  • fringe width would increase

  • fringe width would remain unchanged


In Young's double slit experiment with sodium vapour lamp of wavelength 589 nm and the slits 0.589 mm apart, the half angular width of the central maximum is

  • sin-1 (0.01)

  • sin-1 (0.0001)

  • sin-1 (0.001)

  • sin-1 (0.1)



The Bulk modulus for an incompressible liquid is

  • zero

  • unity

  • infinity

  • between O and 1



Bulk modulus:- The ratio of hydraulic stress to hydraulic strain called bulk modulus. It is denoted by B.

       B = -pVV             ......(i)

The negative sign indicates that with an increase in pressure, a decrease in volume occurs. That is p is positive,  ΔV is negative

 For incompressible fluid, ΔV = 0

⇒ Equation(i) becomes

    B = -p0 = infinite


In Young's double slit experiment with sodium vapour lamp of wavelength 589 nm and the slits 0.589 mm apart, the half angular width of the central maximum is

  • sin-1 (0.01)

  • sin-1 (0.0001)

  • sin-1 (0.001)

  • sin-1 (0.1)


If the ratio of lengths, radii and Young's modulus of steel and brass wires shown in the figure are a, b Brass and c respectively, the ratio between the increase in lengths of brass and steel wires would



A steel wire of 1 m long and l mm2 cross-section area is hanged from rigid end when weight of 1 kg is hang from it, then change in length will be

(Young's coefficient for wire Y = 2 x 1011 N/m2 )

  • 0.5 mm

  • 0.25 mm

  • 0.05 mm

  • 5 mm


What is the change in the volume of 1.0 L kerosene, when it is subjected to an extra pressure of 2.0 x 105 Nm-2 from the following data? Density of kerosene = 800 kg m-3  and speed of sound in kerosene= 1330 ms-1.

  • 0.97 cm-3

  • 0.66 cm-3

  • 0.15 cm-3

  • 0.59 cm-3
