A particle starts its motion from rest under the action of a con

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The speed of the projectile at its maximum height is half of its initial speed. The angle of projection is

  • 60o

  • 15o

  • 30o

  • 30o



A particle moves in the x-y plane according to rule x = a sin ωt and y = a cos ωt. The particle follows

  • an elliptical path

  • a circular path 

  • a parabolic path

  • a parabolic path




A particle starts its motion from rest under the action of a constant force. If the distance covered in first 10 s is s1 and that covered in the first 20 s is s2, then

  • s2 = 2s1

  • s2 = 3s1

  • s2 = 4 s1

  • s2 = 4 s1


s2 = 4 s1

If the particle is moving in a straight line under the action of a constant force then distance covered s = ut + at2 /2
since the body start from rest u = 0

therefore, s = at2/2




Two bodies of mass 1 kg have position vectors,bold i with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold space 2 bold j with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold k with bold hat on top bold space bold and bold space bold minus 3 bold i with bold hat on top bold space bold minus 2 bold j with bold hat on top bold space bold plus bold k with bold hat on top  respectively.The centre of mass of this system has a position vector

  • negative 2 bold i with hat on top space plus 2 space bold k with hat on top
  • negative 2 bold i with bold hat on top minus bold j with bold hat on top space plus bold k with hat on top
  • 2 bold i with bold hat on top minus bold j with bold hat on top space minus bold k with hat on top
  • 2 bold i with bold hat on top minus bold j with bold hat on top space minus bold k with hat on top


If bold F with bold rightwards arrow on top is the force acting on a particle having position vector straight r with rightwards arrow on top space a n d space tau with rightwards arrow on top be the the torque of this force about the origin, then

  • straight r with rightwards arrow on top. straight tau with rightwards arrow on top space not equal to space 0 space and space bold F with bold rightwards arrow on top space. space straight tau with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 0
  • straight r with rightwards arrow on top. straight tau with rightwards arrow on top space greater than space space 0 space and space bold F with bold rightwards arrow on top space. space straight tau with rightwards arrow on top space less than space 0
  • straight r with rightwards arrow on top. straight tau with rightwards arrow on top space equals space space 0 space and space bold F with bold rightwards arrow on top space. space straight tau with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 0
  • straight r with rightwards arrow on top. straight tau with rightwards arrow on top space equals space space 0 space and space bold F with bold rightwards arrow on top space. space straight tau with rightwards arrow on top space equals space 0


The distance travelled by a particle starting from rest and moving with an acceleration 4/3 ms-2 in the third second is

  • 6 m

  • 4 m

  • 10/3

  • 10/3



A particle shows distance -time curve as given in this figure. The maximum instantaneous velocity of the particle is around the point

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • D



A particle moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration. It changes its velocity from 10 ms-1 to 20 ms-1 while passing through a distance 135 m in t second.  The value of t is 

  • 10

  • 1.8

  • 12

  • 12



A particle of mass is projected with the velocity v making an angle of 45o with the horizontal. 
When the particle  lands on the level ground the magnitude of the change in its momentum will be

  • 2 mv

  • mv divided by square root of 2
  • square root of 2 mv
  • square root of 2 mv


The position x of a particle with respect to time t along x- axis is given by x = 9t2 -t3 where x is in meter and t in second. What will be the position of this particle when it achieves maximum speed along the +x direction? 

  • 32 m

  • 54 m

  • 81 m 

  • 81 m 

