An object travels north with a velocity of 10 ms-1 and then speed

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A ball hangs from a string inside a train moving along a horizontal straight track. The string is observed to incline towards the rear of the train making a constant small angle with the vertical. It shows that the train is

  • moving with a uniform acceleration

  • moving with a uniform velocity

  • moving with a uniform retardation

  • moving with an acceleration which is increasing uniformly


A particle moves along Y-axis in such a way that its y-coordinate varies with time t according to the relation y = 3 + 5t2 + 7t2. The initial velocity and acceleration of the particle are respectively

  • 14 ms-1 , − 5 ms-2

  • 19 ms-1 , − 9 ms-2

  • 5 ms-1 , 14 ms-2

  • 3 ms-1 , − 5 ms-2



An object travels north with a velocity of 10 ms-1 and then speeds up to a velocity of 25 ms-1 in 5 s. The acceleration of the object in these 5 s is

  • 3 ms-1 in north direction

  • 3 ms-2 in north direction

  • 15 ms-2 in north direction

  • 3 ms-2 in south direction


3 ms-2 in north direction

a = v - ut = 25 - 105   = 155 = 3 m/s2 in north direction.


An automobile in travelling at 50 km/h, can be stopped at a distance of 40 m by applying brakes. If the same automobile is travelling at 90 km/h, all other conditions remaining same and assuming no skidding, the minimum stopping distance in metres is

  • 72

  • 92.5

  • 102.6

  • 129.6


A rifle shoots a bullet with a muzzle velocity of 500 ms-1 at a small target 50 m away. To hit the target the rifle must be aimed (take g = 10 ms-2)

  • exactly at the target

  • 10 cm below the target

  • 5 cm above the target

  • 5 cm below the target


While driving a car around a curve of 200 m radius, the driver notices that a simple pendulum hung to the roof of the car is making an angle of 15° to the horizontal. The speed of the car in km/h is

  • 60.5 

  • 72.5

  • 82.5

  • 92.5


A man weighs 80 kg on earth surface. The height above ground where he will weigh 40 kg, is : (radius of earth is 6400 km)

  • 0.31 times r

  • 0.41 times r

  • 0.51 times r

  • 0.61 times r


A train moves from one station to another in 2 hours time. Its speed-time graph during this motion is shown below. The maximum acceleration during the journey is


  • 140 kmh-2

  • 160 kmh-2

  • 100 kmh-2

  • 120 kmh-2


A body dropped from a height h with an initial speed zero reaches the ground with a velocity of 3 km/h. Another body of the same mass was dropped from the same height h with an initial speed 4 km/h will reach the ground with a velocity of

  • 3 km/h

  • 4 km/h

  • 5 km/h

  • 12 km/h


A boat man can row with a speed of 10 km/h in still water. If the river flows at 5 km/h, the direction in which the boat man should row to reach a point on the other bank directly opposite to the point from where he started is (width of the river is 2 km)

  • in a direction inclined at 120° to the direction of river flow

  • in a direction inclined at 90° to the direction of river flow

  • 60° in the north-west direction

  • should row directly along the river flow
