The acceleration a (in ms-2 ) of a body, starting from rest varie

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


A bullet emerge from a barrel of length 1.2 m with a speed of 640 ms-1 . Assuming constant acceleration, the approximate time that it spends in the barrel after the gun is fired is

  • 4 ms

  • 40 ms

  • 400 μs

  • 1 s



The acceleration a (in ms-2 ) of a body, starting from rest varies with time t (in s) following the equation a = 3 t + 4. The velocity of the body at time t = 2 s will be

  • 10 ms-1

  • 18 ms-1

  • 14 ms-1

  • 26 ms-1


14 ms-1

Given,  a = 3t + 4     dvdt = 3t + 4  0vdv = 0t3t + 4 dt        v = 32 t2 + 4tat  t = 2 s    v = 32 22 + 4 2 = 14 ms-1


Figure below shows the distance-time graph of the motion of a car. It follows from the graph that the car is

  • at rest

  • in uniform motion

  • in non-uniform acceleration

  • uniformly accelerated

 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


A shell of mass m is at rest initially. It explodes into three fragments having masses in the ratio 2 : 2 : 1. The fragments having equal masses fly off along mutually perpendicular direction with speed v. What will be the speed of the third (lighter) fragment ?


 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


If a person can throw a stone to maximum height of h metre vertically, then the maximum distance through which it can be thrown horizontally by the same person is

  • h2

  • h

  • 2h

  • 3h


A box is moved along a straight line by a machine delivering constant power. The distance moved by the body in time t is proportional to

  • t1/2

  • t3/4

  • t3/2

  • t2


A particle is moving with a constant speed v in a circle. What is the magnitude of average velocity after half  rotation ?

  • 2v

  • 2vπ

  • v2

  • v2π


A box of mass 2 kg is placed on the roof of a car. The box would remain stationary until the car attains a maximum acceleration. Coefficient of static friction between the box and the roof of the car is 0.2 and g = 10 ms-2. This maximum acceleration of the car, for the box to remain stationary, is

  • 8 ms-2

  • 6 ms-2

  • 4 ms-2

  • 2 ms-2


A particle is travelling along a straight line OX. The distance x (in metre) of the particle from O at a time t is given by x = 37 + 27t − t3, where t is time in seconds. The distance of the particle from O when it comes to rest is

  • 81 m

  • 91 m

  • 101 m

  • 111 m


From the top of a tower, 80 m high from the ground, a stone is thrown in the horizontal direction with a velocity of 8 ms-1 . The stone reaches the ground after a time 't' and falls at a distance of 'd' from the foot of the tower. Assuming g = 10 m/s2, the time t and distance d are given respectively by

  • 6 s, 64 m

  • 6 s, 48 m

  • 4 s, 32 m

  • 4 s, 16 m
