A mass M, attached to a horizontal spring, executes SHM with an

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Two particles are executing simple harmonic motion of the same amplitude Aand frequency ω along the x - axis. Their mean position is separated by distance X0 (X0 >A). If the maximum separation between them is (X0 + A), the phase difference between their motion is

  • π/3

  • π/4

  • π/6

  • π/6




A mass M, attached to a horizontal spring, executes SHM with an amplitude A1. When the mass M passes through its mean position than a smaller mass m is placed over it and both of them move together with amplitude A2. The ratio of (A1/A2) is

  • fraction numerator straight M space plus straight m over denominator straight M end fraction
  • open parentheses fraction numerator straight M over denominator straight M plus straight m end fraction close parentheses to the power of 1 divided by 2 end exponent


At mean position, Fnet = 0
Therefore, By conservation of linear momentum,
Mv1 = (M+m)v2
1A1 = (M+m)ω2A2
⇒ rightwards double arrow space open parentheses fraction numerator straight M over denominator straight M plus straight m end fraction close parentheses space equals space fraction numerator straight omega subscript 2 straight A subscript 2 over denominator straight omega subscript 1 straight A subscript 1 end fraction
But space straight omega subscript 1 space equals space square root of straight k over straight M end root space and space straight omega subscript 2 space equals space square root of fraction numerator straight k over denominator straight M plus straight m end fraction end root
On space solving comma space we space get space straight A subscript 1 over straight A subscript 2 space equals space square root of fraction numerator straight m plus straight M over denominator straight M end fraction end root



The equation of a wave on a string of linear mass density 0.04 kg m–1 is given by y= 0.02(m) sin open square brackets 2 straight pi open parentheses fraction numerator straight t over denominator 0.04 space left parenthesis straight s right parenthesis end fraction minus fraction numerator straight x over denominator 0.50 space left parenthesis straight m right parenthesis end fraction close parentheses close square brackets The tension in the string is 

  • 4.0 N

  • 12.5

  • 0.5 N

  • 0.5 N



A particle is executing simple harmonic motion with a time period T. AT time t = 0, it is at its position of equilibrium. The kinetic energy-time graph of the particle will look like 



A magnetic needle of magnetic moment 6.7 × 10–2 Am2 and moment of inertia 7.5 × 10–6 kg m2 is performing simple harmonic oscillations in a magnetic field of 0.01 T.Time taken for 10 complete oscillations is :

  • 6.98 s 

  • 8.76 s

  • 6.65 s

  • 6.65 s



If x, v and a denote the displacement, the velocity and the acceleration of a particle executing simple harmonic motion of time period T, then, which of the following does not change with time?

  • a2T2+ 4π2v2

  • aT/x

  • aT + 2πv

  • aT + 2πv



While measuring the speed of sound by performing a resonance column experiment, a student gets the first resonance condition at a column length of 18 cm during winter. Repeating the same experiment during summer, she measures the column length to be x cm for the second resonance.Then 

  • 18 > x

  • x >54

  • 54 > x > 36 

  • 54 > x > 36 



The displacement of an object attached to a spring and executing simple harmonic motion is given by x = 2 × 10-2 cos πt metres. The time at which the maximum speed first occurs

  • 0.5 s

  • 0.75 s

  • 0.125 s

  • 0.125 s



A point mass oscillates along the x-axis according to the law x = x0 cos (ωt - π/4). If the acceleration of the particle is written as a = A cos (ωt + δ), then

  • A = x0 , δ = – π/4

  • A = x0 ω2 , δ = π/4 

  • A = x0 ω2, δ = –π/4 

  • A = x0 ω2, δ = –π/4 



Two springs, of force constants k1 and k2, are connected to a mass m as shown. The frequency of oscillation of the mass is f. If both k1 and k2 are made four times their original values, the frequency of oscillation becomes

  • f/2

  • f/4

  • 4f

  • 4f

