Important Questions of Units and Measurement Physics | Zigya

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Dimensional formula for the universal gravitational constant G is

  • [M-1L2T-2]

  • [M0L0T0]

  • [M-1L3T-2]

  • [M-1L3T-1]


The number of significant figures in the numbers 4.8000 x 104 and 48000.50 are respectively

  • 5 and 6

  • 5 and 7

  • 2 and 7

  • 2 and 6


The dimensions of resistance are same as those of where h is the Planck's constant, e is the charge.

  • h2e2

  • h2e

  • he2

  • he


If C be the capacitance and V be the electric potential, then the dimensional formula of CV2 is

  • [ML2T-2A0]

  • [MLT-2A-1]

  • [M0LT-2A0]

  • [ML-3TA]


The dimensional formula of physical quantity is is [MaLbTc]. Then, that physical quantity is

  • Spring constant if a = 1, b = −1, c = −2

  • surface tension if a= 1, b = 1,c = −2

  • force if a = 1, b = 1, c = 2

  • angular frequency if a = 0, b = 0, c = − 1


Which one of the following is not correct ?

  • Dimensional formula of thermal conductivity (K) is M1L1T-3K-1

  • Dimensional formula of potential (V) is M1L2T3A-1

  • Dimensional formula of permeability of free space (μ0) is M1L1T-2A-2

  • Dimensional formula of RC M0L0T-1


A physical quantity Q is found to depend on observables x, y and z obeying relation Q = x3y2z. The percentage error in the measurements of x, y and z are 1 %, 2 % and 4 % respectively. What is percentage error in the quantity Q ? 

  • 4 %

  • 3 %

  • 11 %

  • 1 %


The ratio of the dimensions of Planck's constant and that of moment of inertia has the dimensions of

  • angular momentum

  • time

  • velocity

  • frequency


A substance of mass 49.53 g occupies 1.5 cm3 of volume. The density of the substance (in g cm-3) with correct number of significant figures is

  • 3.3

  • 3300

  • 3302

  • 33.0


A body of the mass 50 kg is suspended using a spring balance inside a lift at rest. If the lift starts falling freely, the reading of the spring balance is

  • < 50 kg

  • = 50 kg

  • > 50 kg

  • = 0
